how's your underground metal scene?

Souther AZ: mass potential, holy shit! Like anywhere else, it's a lot of work getting people out for the shows. The original bands have a lot talent like Fevered Dreams, Parasite, Flatline, Trail of Gore, just to name a few. But the bands that play nu-metal or simply copy someone else's horseshit noise formula whatever grab the attention of the few promoters and club owners out here. Why should a band gain recognition for playing soneone else's music, I ask you. Anyways, I guess Phoenix's scene sucks almost as bad as Tucson's, but like I said, even though fan turnout is usually pretty weak, we have some fucking good bands!
the metal scene(if any) in las cruces, new mexico kind of sucks. theres hardly any bands here. There are a few local bands playing shows which is cool. i play drums and it's hard to form a band here. Not to many guitarists here into metal i guess. hopefully things will get better here.
i live right near philadelphia...lots of metal around here motherfuckers!!!...all kinds of metal...and did you guys know that New Jersey is the metal capital of the USA?...mwhahaha...and i live there...mwhahaha...but anyway..

lots of death...grind...hardcore....melodic...all kinds of shit...its all yummy!
It is very good. There are many bands that kick ass and are only waiting for a SERIOUS label. But there are not serious labels here...
Originally posted by xenophobe

As for the unsigned music, there is lots of variety, from Thash to Hardcore to Death Metal and all sorts of stuff in between....

I totally agree with you. Red needs to know where to look. Check out On this site, they showcase metal acts. Thrash, speed etc. Wanna hear a great thrash/speed metal band? Check out Now, you wanna talk fkg. thrash? They are fast! Come out to our next show Jan. 18. to the lametal tv and get the latest scoop!
Since we don't have a Canada board, I'm gonna post here...Here in my city we have some pretty good bands.

Praetoria is cool... they're on the rise right now and have a lot of potential.
They're kinda like... Opeth meets Emperor.
They have some soundclips up there.

Wetwork is another good band. They're kind of a progressive death metal maybe... I don't know. They have a female vocalist, but she's pretty good.

Evirus is a pretty cool thrash metal band. They can get a crowd going. Don't know their site right now.

I won't get into bands from Toronto, but there's a lot of good ones there.
I just moved from eastern VA (a few bands) to southwestern VA where I am still looking for the scene. There was a show about a month ago (I missed it) with Darkest Hour and some other bands. Don't know what type of metal or hardcore or whatever they were.