
If I end up going, I'll get pretty smashed. I'm not a fan of sobriety. I'm still not willing to pay those prices, eventhough the lineup sounds great and I can drive to the port of Miami. I want to go, but that is really $$$$$$$$$$$$$!
Not so much for the ticket prices as we pay about that amount for a cruise anyway. Only thing will be the airplane tickets etc. to get there and back :OMG:
If I end up going, I'll get pretty smashed. I'm not a fan of sobriety. I'm still not willing to pay those prices, eventhough the lineup sounds great and I can drive to the port of Miami. I want to go, but that is really $$$$$$$$$$$$$!

You to? lol no way I could limit myself to 6 drinks. But I am thinking...we will see how much money i have left after summertime. Prolly would be cheaper if I actually had friends that had jobs to split the room with.
mm considering you give me enough Jager Bombs I dont sleep anyways why would I even need a bed...wait dont answer that because that dont happen neither :P
Seriously though now you all got me greatly considering this,since Miami is only like a 12hr drive for me.
I've registered at least, though not sure what will happen.

Have planned to try and get time off to go to US/Mexico in October, if I can, I won't have vacation or money to go to this as well.

Or I'll see whether it is likely I'll get the time off in January and go to this included in my visit to US/Mexico instead of October.


So, $666 for the cheapest cabin + $249 for taxes etc, includes all meals and non-alcoholic non-caronated drinks, all shows and the trip.
Add to that beer for 4 days, say 15 beers per day, that's about one per hour in when awake ;) sums up to an extra $240 or so.

About $1155 for the trip, more or less.
(probably more, guess it'll be more beer than that...)

That's some cash if adding the trip from and back to Sweden, as well as my domestic US trips, and going to Mexico.

On the other hand, it's sort of like Bochum, won't happen that often ;)

Maybe I'll see you guys there?
I'll probably go and have a great time. Right now I'm just worried about $$$ for Sweden in May. We'll see when the time comes. I guess we could get an interrior cabin since we won't be in it for too long. I still say it's overpriced :p
I'll probably go and have a great time. Right now I'm just worried about $$$ for Sweden in May. We'll see when the time comes. I guess we could get an interrior cabin since we won't be in it for too long. I still say it's overpriced :p

remember, your cost covers 40 or so bands and all the costs involved (travel, cruise, performance, etc.), plus I'm sure those that are taking chances with this are hoping for some profit at the end, if you're thinking it's overpriced you can always take a normal cruise with regular stiffs
I'll be making my reservation in the next two weeks as you can get a discount of up to 15% off. It looks like the whole cabin has to be reserved and not just the individual ticket.

Yeup which kills it for me right there,they need to have the...I'm a person with no friends booking :D
Ah well maybe next time.
i booked my cabin yesterday. I had to find a room-mate because none of my friends wanted to go (or just dont have the money) but through another discussion forum I found a girl from Sweden that im going to share a cabin with :) I am sure there are many other ones out there somewhere in the world that are in the same situation. maybe you make some new friends...