Humans and their love of violence

Gore movies have always annoyed me because I am sure there is something really psychologically flawed in people who like that. Either they are mentally warped or else they are savages. If I am right about that, then these are two groups of humans that the world would be better without.

It has nothing to do with squeemishness - because I am all for brutality if the ends justify the means. But these films probably satisfy weak, impotent people who dislike those who are stronger than they. It just feels like that kind of inadequacy has something to do with it.

There are good films that have such scenes in them. That's different. The problem is when people are only seeking pleasure from the depiction of suffering. The makers of such films are "culture distorters" who have motives of making money and wrecking a healthy social order, replacing it with neuroticism. They are criminals.
mystery, surprise, violence, etc. sense-experience inspiring endorphin release... some shit like that, easy evolutionary psychology least for the scientists if not 'the great philosophers'.

I understand endorphin release, I lived a life of it. I love mysteries because Im highly curious.

but I hate surprise and... violence for the sake of gore. Perhaps some people need more stimulation for their endorphin release so they like to see people cut up with chainsaws, sent through brush chippers, stabbed multiple times ?? sorry I just dont get it.

I understand... lets call it rebelious violence all to well, but I dont understand mankinds obsessed entertainment with the totally sick. This has got to go beyond endorphin release.
Gore movies have always annoyed me because I am sure there is something really psychologically flawed in people who like that. Either they are mentally warped or else they are savages.

I thought you liked savages?

or is primitivism all about sunbathing in the fields of long grass playing the flute 'til dusk in the tranquillity of simpler days :heh:
violence for the sake of gore. Perhaps some people need more stimulation for their endorphin release so they like to see people cut up with chainsaws, sent through brush chippers, stabbed multiple times ?? sorry I just dont get it.

I understand... lets call it rebelious violence all to well, but I dont understand mankinds obsessed entertainment with the totally sick. This has got to go beyond endorphin release.

*Shrug* I don't understand how surgeons and pornstars can do their jobs. but presumably one need not be pathological to do things I find sick, but simply not entertain my particular aesthetic, cultural, and subjective biases.
I thought you liked savages?

or is primitivism all about sunbathing in the fields of long grass playing the flute 'til dusk in the tranquillity of simpler days :heh:

I draw a massive (and somewhat race-based) distinction between savages and barbarians. The latter I wholeheartedly approve of.
One kind of savage is what you get in a civilisation when it's in decay - the kind of scum criminals without any standards (as likely to be White as any other ethnicity). You don't get barbarians forming within civilisations though. They are the ones that sack the decaying civilisation and bring about the birth of a new one.
*Shrug* I don't understand how surgeons and pornstars can do their jobs. but presumably one need not be pathological to do things I find sick, but simply not entertain my particular aesthetic, cultural, and subjective biases.

You think it is sick to be a surgeon? They are people who fix stuff. That's all it is. They soon get used to the mess. I would do it if I had the qualifications.
Surgeons are known to hate movies showing people getting broken. Must be because they spend so much time trying to put them right.
Perhaps car mechanics would feel similar watching a car engine being trashed. "Oh no! I can't watch! He just pulled out the spark plugs!"
*Shrug* I don't understand how surgeons and pornstars can do their jobs. but presumably one need not be pathological to do things I find sick, but simply not entertain my particular aesthetic, cultural, and subjective biases.

Being able or not... to deal with damaged bodies is a matter of squeamishness or severe empathy standing in the way. Pornogaphy varies off course but is typically a harmless act and involves primarily money and secondary - sexual perversion, Im not sure what percentage falls under pathological. Finding entertainment in gore seems to have indications that are highly pathological so I'm interested in hearing the subjective bias of those that find it entertaining.

As I said before theres a big difference between being a "warrior" for a cause and sitting in The Coliseum watching someone kill man or multiple animals or being shred by animals for the sake of "entertainment"
Gore movies have always annoyed me because I am sure there is something really psychologically flawed in people who like that. Either they are mentally warped or else they are savages. If I am right about that, then these are two groups of humans that the world would be better without.

So, you're advocating the removal of all those who watch horror flicks with regularity from living existence simply, because they may be deranged and of course, they annoy you?

Assuming some merit in this claim, what's wrong with medical treatment if they haven't committed any crime?

Norsemaiden said:
It has nothing to do with squeemishness - because I am all for brutality if the ends justify the means. But these films probably satisfy weak, impotent people who dislike those who are stronger than they. It just feels like that kind of inadequacy has something to do with it.

So now, it has nothing to do with violence seeing as you're "all for brutality", fantastic admission there by the way, but death to them anyway because they're a bunch of wimps?

You do realize how deranged this sounds, right?
But its all in the name of repairing flawed genetic codes and surface population reduction, thus providing positive results, so alls good

But its all in the name of repairing flawed genetic codes and surface population reduction, thus providing positive results, so alls good


Quite so! Billions are going to die within the next few decades anyway, due to the way humans have messed up the planet, and so a selection process (triage) is justfied.
Enjoying gore films doesn't make a person psychologically unstable or unsound. Violence is an innately human fascination. Some people simply get a rush out of seeing that on film. It doesn't have anything to do with instability or portend that those who enjoy such films are going to become serial killers. People who enjoy gore films and then go on a killing spree (or something related) would have done so anyway. They have problems that go beyond a fascination with violent films. People who indulge in those kinds of films simply for entertainment purposes should not be deemed potential menaces to society. In all honesty, I think occasionally indulging in violent fantasies is healthy.

It boils down to whether or not you think humans can or should try to rise above their animal instincts. We are perfectly capable of carrying on our everyday lives without interference, even if we harbor these innate fantasies. Everybody is fucked up on the inside. Trying to drown that instinct isn't healthy, I don't think.

Furthermore, this doesn't mean that I think that if you don't have a fascination with violence then there's something wrong with you. I, for one, never watch gore films or extreme cinema; I find it uncomfortable and unnecessary. But I have other outlets in my life and other fantasies that I indulge in. I deal with the issue of violence in other ways, such as writing about it (I wrote a song called Straw Dogs, based on the film with Dustin Hoffman, that is a very violent piece of cinema; the song is my own personal fantasy about violence).
fantasies about violence ? I never had any.... until recent years that is... I have one now that has all the world leaders and Im not simply talking politics... Im talking all puppet masters... in a long line awaiting their go at the guillotine and I want to be the one to hold their head up before the massive crowd and say "behold... the head of a traitor"

oh, I think I feel a song comming on
It doesn't have to be particularly bloody.

It could be a fantasy about a slightly violent/painful sexual act (some guys/girls like biting, slapping, scratching, etc.) or it could be about beating someone up. Most people have these kinds of fantasies.
To ask why people like violence is to ask why people like anything. What makes us tick will surely make us tock. You can learn to like something, or you may have grown up around these things and take in a complete disregard for realism. Personally, I love violence and people being blown apart. Just because it's fascinating and you don't see it around you. But it's just like that.
Being able or not... to deal with damaged bodies is a matter of squeamishness or severe empathy standing in the way. Pornogaphy varies off course but is typically a harmless act and involves primarily money and secondary - sexual perversion, Im not sure what percentage falls under pathological. Finding entertainment in gore seems to have indications that are highly pathological so I'm interested in hearing the subjective bias of those that find it entertaining.

As I said before theres a big difference between being a "warrior" for a cause and sitting in The Coliseum watching someone kill man or multiple animals or being shred by animals for the sake of "entertainment"


that 'difference' is just a social construction.

if you watch boxing, or kickboxing, or mixed martial arts, or even American football, and claim it's all about some warrior trip---'omg I cheer for these guys in their victory' then you may as well be watching competitive chess... but no, people choose these combat and violent sports instead, because it isn't just the vicarious social plot line that is desirable, that's just a sort of sick enjoyment added in. You watch horses race, and it's boring, so you pick one and hope it wins. You watch combat sports or teams of people you don't know personally, and you could just enjoy the spectacle, but no, some people have to psychologically gang up against one or the other and enjoy their defeat.

wrapping amusement at violence in social conventions and thinking yourself better for liking it instead of coliseum pit fights is as sensible as looking down on people who watch porn fragments just to see the fucking, rather than your preference of sitting through the whole plot line until the credits roll. You can try to normalize shit and conceal what it is you enjoy, but the choices you make are inevitably revealing.
You think it is sick to be a surgeon?
no, I think looking at surgery makes me feel sick just as looking at rape or looking at cow slaughterhouses or chicken battery farms makes some people feel sick.

my point was that 'sick' is a subjective evaluation, and I may as well say 'what's the deal with sinister old mankind's obsession with sport... it's just exertion and injury and anger and violence all for its own sake (no one's curing cancer; a touchdown has no exchange rate value), its just done for it's own sake---for the fact people are 'sick' enough to find it entertaining. Plenty of prudes would think we should all be knitting instead of using harsh words on forums, and listening to demonic music, and...exceeding their subjective standards of what is it proper to find enjoyment in.

that 'difference' is just a social construction.

if you watch boxing, or kickboxing, or mixed martial arts, or even American football, and claim it's all about some warrior trip---'omg I cheer for these guys in their victory' then you may as well be watching competitive chess... but no, people choose these combat and violent sports instead, because it isn't just the vicarious social plot line that is desirable, that's just a sort of sick enjoyment added in. You watch horses race, and it's boring, so you pick one and hope it wins. You watch combat sports or teams of people you don't know personally, and you could just enjoy the spectacle, but no, some people have to psychologically gang up against one or the other and enjoy their defeat.

wrapping amusement at violence in social conventions and thinking yourself better for liking it instead of coliseum pit fights is as sensible as looking down on people who watch porn fragments just to see the fucking, rather than your preference of sitting through the whole plot line until the credits roll. You can try to normalize shit and conceal what it is you enjoy, but the choices you make are inevitably revealing.

Sorry but trying to say the idea of people lineing the Coliseum to watch a man shred for entertainment or watching gore movies because they like to see peoples heads chopped off compares to a boxing match is the nonsence. Boxing was never for me but I did wrestle 6 years in school and enjoy competitive skiing and road racing. Our wrestling was not about watching someone permanantly disabled. I dont watch skiing so I can see someone break their leg or spine and I dont watch roadracing to see a crash. But their is no doubt sick fuckers that watch auto racing to see the big crash or watch boxing because they like to see someones face all swollen and bashed to hell. Thats the point... they are sick fuckers.

For lack of understanding the difference, dont assume everyone is void of it.