Hungarian thread

Originally posted by _Zsuzsa_
Fleischwolf, very good ;]] Where did you hear those words? Rendõrség...hehe..typical ;]]]]

well, i've been to hungary a few times! i also know some hungarians! hungary is not very far from where i live, maybe half an hour by car, so we go to sopron occasionaly to have a cheap steak and beer!:D

yes, i allway think that Rendõrség is such a funny word for police, that's why i remember it! funny as hell when you see the cars with Rendõrség written on the sides! also icelandic for police is funny too:Lögreglan!:lol:

by the way, i've allways wondered if hungarians understand a little finnish and vice versa, or at least can figure out some when they read the language, since it is related! so, can you understand finnish?:confused:
Fleischwolf: heh, I just saw on TV how the tourists come to Sopron for the cheap merchandise :p

anyway, no, I can't understand a sh*t of finnish, but I know why ppl think I do... indeed we're connected somehow, but language profs say that we're also connected to Japan... ;) (but I couldn't understand japaneese until I started to learn it :p )
so the conclusion: lots of years have passed since we divided (If the profs are right ) so there's nothing common left in our language. (though I wanna learn finnish eventually)
Originally posted by _Zsuzsa_

indeed we're connected somehow, but language profs say that we're also connected to Japan... ;) (but I couldn't understand japaneese until I started to learn it :p )

well, but faaaaaar more distant than you're related to finnish! japanese and hungarian are only distant related as they are members of the ural-altaic language family, while finnish, estonian and hungarian aswell as the sami-languages belong to the finno-ugric branch!
Originally posted by _Zsuzsa_
so the conclusion: lots of years have passed since we divided (If the profs are right ) so there's nothing common left in our language. (though I wanna learn finnish eventually)

compares "thank you":
finnish: "kiitos"
hungarian: "kösönöm"
estonian: "aitäh"

well, at least the "k" is common in both words, while in estonian, which is much closer to finnish, it's much more different! but it's true, it's not really inteligable!:) :D :) :D
Originally posted by Fleischwolf
compares "thank you":
finnish: "kiitos"
hungarian: "kösönöm"
estonian: "aitäh"

well, at least the "k" is common in both words, while in estonian, which is much closer to finnish, it's much more different! but it's true, it's not really inteligable!:) :D :) :D

ehhh :)

btw, the japaneese grammar is closer to hungarian than finnish grammar. Just an example, in hungarian last name comes first, and in japaneese too.

So my name is NOT Zsuzsa Jakab in hungarian but Jakab Zsuzsa (and the last is my christian name)

anyway, these are interesting things...I should make a lil' search when I'll have some spare time :)
Yeah, that'd be good. I just discussed my mom what should I do after my graduation... I thought about going to a japaneese-english university, but lately I'm unsure. Would that be of any good to me? Just dunno... argh...:mad:
it depends what you wanna do! if you wanna be a translator or something that's maybe fine! you could work in the UN-council, or so!
but maybe it'd be better if you'd study a european language, since the EU parliament has a huge demand for translators which will be likely to increase after the east european countries have joined the EU! so maybe you should come here and study german or something like that! :D

oh, are you the same Zsuzsa as from the finntroll board?:)

p.s.: i like your pic *cough* :blush: ;)
I don't wanna hurt you but I never liked german as a language :blush: But maybe If I meet kind german ppl I'll change my opinion :p

btw, yeah, first I thought about being an interpretor but as time passed...I realized it's just won't satisfy me :( I'm interested in writing, acting, modelling... but I like languages too. I like the norther culture, but I'd like to go to LA too. So now i'm just confused... the worse of all times, just before my graduation :(

and yep, I'm the same Zsuzsa ;)