Hungarian thread

YES I must do this!
and kill off all of those who oppose the new nation of black metal
those who do not convert to satanism will burn in the unholy fire of industry!
okay mabye im taking this too far.... but if i was president i would so people how good they had it before i was in office.... how much freedom they really did have :lol:
The_Children_of_Decadence said:
Szétzúzatni a dobhártyáimat az e-klub első sorában. és ti?

Hallottátok, hogy lesz Sonata a szigeten 30-án, 9kor, szerdán?


Szivatsz vagy ez komoly? :yow: LESZ SONATA a Szigeten!!!!???? JIIIIIIHÁÁÁÁÁÁ :D :rock: Ott a helyem! Nameg Testament-en is :D

És mi is lesz pontosan októberben az e-klubban?