I'm in the same boat as you Bryan. I have been staying at my girlfriends house all week and she hasn't had power since Monday. I know Verizon lost 100 cell towers so cell service isn't working so well. My studio finally regained power today so now I'm posted up here eating rice, captain crunch, mac n cheese and starbucks frappuccino's for the rest of the night working on some prepro. My girlfriend talked to some of the power line dudes on the side of the road and they said people in my county (Hunterdon) might now have power until thanksgiving due to some super important infrastructure being obliterated. Fucking A.
On the bright side it only took me an hour and a half to get gas the other day because of the lines. 3 people were arrested, yes arrested, for beating the ever living shit out of each other over who was first in the gas line.