Well, I never got GOG files either. I sent him an email asking for them but never received them.

Couldn't I just automate the room sound for each hit and essentially get a z4 sound?

Isn't there a control in EX to adjust the amount and type of room for each instrument? I believe this controls how much of Z4 is blended.
Well, I never got GOG files either. I sent him an email asking for them but never received them.

Couldn't I just automate the room sound for each hit and essentially get a z4 sound?

You have to download WAV/GOG samples separately. They don't come on the EX cd. Inside the case there should be a piece of paper with a link to the download and a passcode to access them.
You have to download WAV/GOG samples separately. They don't come on the EX cd. Inside the case there should be a piece of paper with a link to the download and a passcode to access them.

I also did not buy the hard copy version. I just did the download version.. fml
unique soundin snare.. sounds real loose, real snare?
need abit of tightening for my taste.
i've always been stuck wondering how to do automation on cubase.
do i add a fx channel? and then select reverb under the vst option?
you're pretty close. I'd make sure I glue the rest of the kit together as well to add to the effect.

and work on your drums a bit. they sound overly programmed.
That snare sounds bad dude. It's like all reverb and no body.

this is also true.

like I said. you just need to work on your drums in general.
not just your reverb problem. the tones can be better but mostly the biggest problem is that it feels like you played it on a midi keyboard and did lots of loops. if you do it with a midi keyboard, that's fine. just don't loop so much. and make sure you go back and fix you're velocities so that it sounds even more natural.
it's most obvious during the blast beat towards the end.

as for the reverb
remember how I talked about balancing the dryer snare with the epic?
It's like all reverb and no body.
I believe thats the reason I posted this topic is to how NOT to make it sound like that... ;)

and make sure you go back and fix you're velocities so that it sounds even more natural.
Hmm, I wish I was half coordinated enough TO actually play it on a keyboard.
Anyway, yes, I realize this. I will fix it when we actually get the whole thing done (Its like a 10 minute long song). I just posted this for the simple reverberating snare sound that I want to achieve...

With that being said, I have always had a problem with velocities. I posted a topic fairly recently on it, but I havent really gotten much help from it.
Ok guys. I found a better example of what I'm trying to do. Its another Miss May I song haha. They have some of the best drumming in my opinion. Anyway.

Its at 2:15. Except I'm not talking about the reverse snare they have in there. All I want is that huge reverberating snare they have.
Better yet, would it be possible for anyone to post samples of their own?
the reason why the snare sounds so open and washy is because the rest of the mix is so clean, try working on the rest of the mix. by the way, what's the effect used before the breakdown, kind of like a reverse snare/ cymbal.

Clip one is a mix I guess with more than one snare and also with the "hall" effect mentioned earlier. Regarding the specific time you typed 3.0x it is a played backwards snare before the acctually hit, at least I do it that way. So to samples linked togheter. I can upload a sample if it's that specific hit you mean.


Yea, I know how to get a reverse snare. I just dont know how to get that huge reverberating snare hits AFTER the first reverse snare and the snare hits after it.
Well you need to have a good sounding snare to start. Then use a heavy amount of reverb, and if the reverb plugin has a pre-delay parameter, play around with that until the reverb comes in where you want it. I use Freeverb2 for this kind of thing and it sounds good with the pre-delay at around 50-70ms for this kind of effect.
I completely forgot about Freeverb! Haha I was using the standard Logic Pro reverbs and it was hard trying to get a satisfying result. I forgot I had Freeverb. Anyway, there isn't a pre-delay option on Freeverb3, but I got something very similar to what I was hoping for.

I also put in a better snare for the whole song and its much tighter with more bottom end around 250-300Hz. (I was pushing the limiter too hard on whole drumset, so consequently it smashed the snare, but somehow the rest of the drumset still sounded clear. So I made a seperate track for the snare completely uncompressed, and oddly enough it produced a pretty good result, no volume loss whatsoever and no clipping problems.)

A little more fiddling around and I'll post an updated clip.

Anyway, thanks for yalls help.
haha omg machine gun at like 35 seconds, and i usually just send the snare to an fx bus with a huge amount of reverb like reverence from cubase and adjust the amount of send. prob not a sturgis solution but it sounds pretty damn decent.
Before I worked out the Z4 trick, I had some success doing this with a big plate reverb on a Aux send with a gate after it. So basically its a gated reverb with more control. I would just automate the volume of the send where I needed the big verb on the snare. I noticed your using Logic, use one of the Plate reverbs under "large spaces" in space designer. If you want something with a little more high frequency sparkle try the "big drums" room verb also in large spaces. Worked for me :)
hi i did this recording

its simple

record a snare being hit from like 15 to 20 feet away with stereo room mics
then put that through reverb (as an insert)

don't be a pussy, and turn it up in the mix haha