i admit: i just don't like anime. is there something wrong with me?

to the extent that there are some really universally good things that happen to be anime but you can't enjoy, yes. but i don't think you're any worse off than the anime-obsessed crowd.
i can't stand anime, and i'm japanese. those huge eyes that take up 3/4 of the characters' faces, and the scary-ass voices just creep the shit out of me.

however, i'm a HUGE fan of japanese horror comics. :)
i prefer anime series over movies since anime series tend to have extremely rich overarching story lines that stretch for 20 episodes or more, so it's like an 8 hour movie, not unlike the animated equivalent of reading stories like Harry Potter. and some of the best music i've ever heard come from anime.Transformers the Movie is anime too, btw.

anyway, i don't mean to get long-winded, but this thread is inherently flawed. it's like talking about "metal music" after one's heard the newest Limp Bizkit. or, on another scale, it's bit like denouncing Japanese culture wholesale because one found Ichi the Killer disgusting -- it ignores everything else, the heartwarming dramas, the lighthearted comedies, that comes out of Japan too.
ps: i prefer live action, flesh and blood, movies over "drawings", but i can see the appeal in the latter too, for example, in the psychological expressionism, the intellectual freedom with colors and visuals that artists have which animation as a medium allows.
anyway, i don't mean to get long-winded, but this thread is inherently flawed. it's like talking about "metal music" after one's heard the newest Limp Bizkit. or, on another scale, it's bit like denouncing Japanese culture wholesale because one found Ichi the Killer disgusting -- it ignores everything else, the heartwarming dramas, the lighthearted comedies, that comes out of Japan too.

Huh? How so?
FuSoYa said:
Huh? How so?


universal generalization, the false kind. it'd be true to say, for instance, that Limp Bizkit sucks but how can we judge a musical category as a whole based on a particular instance? how adequate a sense of metal would you get from watching head banger's ball? it make more sense to talk about particular instances (of music or anime), rather than the category.
i am a bit obsessed w/ akira. i liked metropolis, it didn't have such characteristcs in amime that make it hard to watch. as for live action japanese films they are very emotionally intense, from what i have seen.

i really like russian animation.( this is irrelevent )