I am confused?

Don't fret, we're all pretty much confused right now. So let's all drink for confusion!

There are some medical antidotes for confusion though:
"A Fine Day to Exit"
"Alternative 4"
"The Silent Enigma"
etc, etc.

Many happy returns!
Originally posted by random_phil
Do you think it'd look too cheesy? And yes: Transformers rule!:)

Um.. I think it might look cool, but only if you really really loved them. Because that's the only reason I could think of that you'd get it.

Maybe a small tattoo?
Originally posted by random_phil
I was only thinking of getting a small tattoo, probably on my chest. I think it would go really well with my dissection inverted crucifix!

:lol: Random Phil, you sure are random!
Originally posted by random_phil
i'm unfortunately not a decepticon... yet. I'm thinking about getting the logo tattooed when i get some money, probably after the summer. Do you think it'd look too cheesy? And yes: Transformers rule!:)

It would be cool but many people have done this, don't do it if you want to have original tatoo's. I thought about getting the cobra logo, but didn't for the same reason.
no need to be freud to notice that we have a huge necessity to be brought back to our childhood ;)
by the way, the transformers' idea is not so bad (even if -since i'm a girl- i'd choose something else, but no, not sailor moon please!), but i think there's a problem: how to represent the transformation? :confused:
Originally posted by mourningstar
i think there's a problem: how to represent the transformation? :confused:

don't you have two arms? one on each arm :)

tho this solution won't work out if you're drummer in Def Leppard :D
