I am new here, just bought The Odyssey


Civil War reenactor
Jun 5, 2003
Browns Summit, NC USA
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Hey guys and gals,

I am new here. I bought The Odyssey today. It is my first cd by Symphony X. I listened to it twice in the car, after buying it. Man that is an awesome album. Do any of you have suggestions for my next Symphony X album? Does it really matter which I choose?


Get V: The New Mythology Suite and The Divine Wings of Tragedy...

Once these two albums encompass your entire life, and you become submerged in their greatness, buy Twilight in Olympus and The Damnation Game...

If you like live stuff, also get Live on the Edge of Forever, arguably the greatest live album ever made, tied with Alive in Athens by Iced Earth...

If you still need a Symphony X fix (I swear, listening to these guys is like being addicted to heroine, once you start your never going to stop without constant therapy and supervision), get their S/T, which featured a vocalist by the name of Rod Tyler, which is not Russell Allen aka GOD...
I wanna Rock and Roll all night, and party Ev-ery day

To be honest, get all Symphony X cds except for the first one which is self titled. Damnation Game, Twilight in Olympus and Divine Wings of Tragedy are my favorites out of 6 cds

I would recommend buying them all in order from here on out. You could bypass the first and get it later on. They plan on re-releasing it pretty soon, so you decide.
Only get one ata time I suggest, as each one well force you to listen to it dozens of time before you will want to take it out of your CD player!
Welcome to the Anarchy
Enigmatic entity
The grand illusion - destitution
infecting one and all.

The best band of the planet has got another fan...Great¡¡¡ :Spin:
Get "The Damnation Game" and then TDWOT an so, if you buy the discs in the order they were launched, im sure you will understand the evolution of the band.
Thanks for the warm welcome. I do appreciate the advice. I will only get one at a time, because it is true what Sympozium said. I have not removed it from my cd player, as I can't stop listening to it. Man, the songs are so good. Their guitar work makes me shake. Anyways, so The Odyssey is their heaviest album then? I can't wait to get the rest.
It's always so damn hard when it comes to recommend an Symphony X album..I mean they're all great, if I start thinking on one, then I will say "oh oh oh...but TIO has 'Through the looking glass, and Lady of the Snow....BUT BUT....DWOT has 'Accolade' and the majestic title song". So it's so HARD!! All I can say, do whatever you need to get all of their material!! Sell the car, get a loan, become a giggolo, doesn't matter, it's well worth it :p
If you liked the Odyssey, check out Divine Wings of Tragedy, but if you want something a little different from the same great band, go for V. No matter what you get though, you won't be disappointed.
After you get the Od', take a pick at what sounds better to you
V - More symphonic, epic ect... considered there best by many, a the best concept album ever!
Twighlight in Olympus - The most underated album ever. This is when SyX changed their majority sound from neo-classical sound (from the albums before) to a more progressive sound in songs like Church of the Machine, Through the Looking Glass, Orion - the hunter ect... I suggest gettingthis after DWoT and V.
DWoT - SyX's Turning piont. Also very heavy after the Od'. Some of there greatest songs like Sea of Lies, Accolade,Eyes of Medusa and the title epic!

After you get these, then get The Damnation Game and s/t if you are desperate for more SyX genius!
Manga-San said:
Get V: The New Mythology Suite and The Divine Wings of Tragedy...

If you like live stuff, also get Live on the Edge of Forever, arguably the greatest live album ever made, tied with Alive in Athens by Iced Earth...
I agree those are the two next ones to get.

Hey guess what! There are other types of music outside power metal!