I am one again with my beloved 6505. Listen here.


Jan 31, 2006
Well, the last time I had one it was a 5150, but you get the idea. I also recently bought a Krank Rev Jr, which is great, but the 6505 is just simply my cup of tea. So I'm stretching its legs here and rerecorded the last song I post a couple months ago. I wasn't able to mic is crazy loud, but it still sounds good.

Ibanez S with Duncan JB > TS7 > 6505 > Marshall 1960AV with T75 and V30 in an X pattern, but top left T75 is miced with a Shure SM57 then into an MAudio Fast Track Pro.

Ambient guitars are POD HD and the Bass is PODX3.

I hope you like the tone as much as I do....

https://dl.dropbox.com/u/868701/March Hare 6505.mp3
Matt, sounds pretty good. I like the 6505 paired with a T75. Would like to hear it on something likes "Clouds at 4" where there is some variety with the riffs rather than just the muted chug type riffs in this new song.

Clanky ass bass! Still striving to get that tone.

I've always pitch shifted guitars down. Recently started working with a real bass and it's sooo much better. But I can't get the clank on the grit track without it sounding too fizzy. =/
Matt, sounds pretty good. I like the 6505 paired with a T75. Would like to hear it on something likes "Clouds at 4" where there is some variety with the riffs rather than just the muted chug type riffs in this new song.


Yep, all the old crap is getting redone NOW. I've been fucking around with this nonsense long enough and I getting down to business. I should have just bought this damn amp again years ago. I feel like a jackass for wasting so much of my life tweaking with the POD and amp sims, only to get moderately satisfied with the tone. You get what you pay for I suppose, but the convenience of silent recording is hard to beat, especially when you've got a wife in the house telling you to "turn that bullshit down!!!!"
That sound is awesome!
I like the individuality, it's somehow special (:
Thanks dude!

Clanky ass bass! Still striving to get that tone.

I've always pitch shifted guitars down. Recently started working with a real bass and it's sooo much better. But I can't get the clank on the grit track without it sounding too fizzy. =/
I used a cheap Soundgear bass to record this and I love its tone. Way more versatile than the Fender P I also use. You could pick one up for $200-$300 I bet.

Good tone!
Im not the fan of kick tbh, but overall it sounds very nice and balanced.
The kick is my least favorite part of this track too. All my other go-to samples had way to much attack in this track. I'll have to see what I can do.
what pickup(s) did you use for the bass? Did you just use the bridge or both? What do you think of the pod HD?

Also, could you share the pod HD preset for the semi clean sounding clean guitar part?