I am very happy to see many of you people...


have an old one. Tee slightly sedated... :err: Neverlady clean. :)
definetily, she looks 10 times better live, and I have other (3) precious pictures of her, that nobody stole from my guitar-bag ( :heh: miss you, Neverlady :kickass: ), but I'd never post them without her permission. yes, I told her, she's fuckin' Miss World!.

why am I explaining this to you, I don't talk to you anymore... :err:
don't pay attn. he just knows how to play guitar, which he does great, and he's bumptious. look at the flame now. :flame: coming.... hehe

Hearse, of course I miss you, how wouldn't I, one day after we make an agreement that we won't communicate, I'm devastated. :err: