I bet you Americans wish you had state-owned radio...


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage
...so you could get some quality programming every once in a while.

A couple of weeks ago Swedish radio played JUDAS PRIEST live and this Thursday it's MORBID ANGEL, actually one live concert every weekday on P3, and occasionally some really good metal as you see (and also some crap like Cradle of Filth and Monster Magnet and Stratovarius around this week)

Haha, I'd like to see teh Bush administration funding MORBID ANGEL broadcasts with state money
It's been so long that I heard this that I don't remember if it's true, but Morbid Angel was dropped by Giant Records because some reborner dude took over as CEO and when he saw that name on the label's roster, he freaked out. That's funny. It's also possibly completely untrue.

Public Broadcasting gets their funding threatened when a kid's show features two lesbian mothers, not engaging in any lesbian activity whatsoever, except other normal day to day activities like eating and breathing.

Monster Magnet and "crap" are not synonymous.

Now Morbid Angel and "crap"...well, you have an argument there.
What the!? I didn't notice Monster Magnet being referred to as crap earlier.

Monster Magnet = not crap
Morbid Angel = not crap
crap = shit
I like how "pretty sure" you are which means you've never heard them. :p

Duhhhhhhhh I'd consider stoner and thrash pretty similar in terms of spirit, and musically a connection can be made. Back to basics shut-up-and-play-yer-guitar vibe, or something.
It's cool because I've been listening to Monster Magnet for many years but just a few weeks ago I found out they made a ton of cash awhile back. I had no fucking clue.

Not being influenced by MTV in the slightest = win
You communist Swedes are leading your youth down a path of satanism and sin. I hope you are happy in hell, pinko commie satanic bastards. ;)

We of course have our radio stations edited for content and profit, and look at the polite, cultured ,and nonviolent society we have created
speed said:
You communist Swedes are leading your youth down a path of satanism and sin. I hope you are happy in hell, pinko commie satanic bastards. ;)

We of course have our radio stations edited for content and profit, and look at the polite, cultured ,and nonviolent society we have created