true to an extent ... I don't know how Jersey is but here you stand to open yourself up to a world of legal hurt if you just try and pop someone in the arm or leg ... fuckers can and will likely sue you for pain & suffering and all that shit however, you drop 'em for good and as long as you can prove forceful / illegal entry of some type you're pretty much in the clear
Which is exactly why many police and sheriffs here (if you personally know them) will tell you it's better to put them (the criminals) six feet under than on the witness stand. I'm not "gun happy" like many people I know around here (it IS Texas after all), but I WILL protect my family and my home at any cost. My wife is European, and because of her, I've grown to love much of the European culture, maybe even more than here. BUT...guns do exist here. Whether you have one or not does not change the fact that the low life breaking into your house/studio/business/whatever WILL have one...and will not hesitate to use it on your or your family.