I am just baffled at the fact if someone breaks into your home in Europe and whatever transpires you end up shooting them, YOU go to jail. Fucking absolutely god damn retarded.
Baseball bats and alarm systems are great, unless the person breaking in doesn't give a fuck about those things - which a lot of criminals don't. But you show me one person who isn't afraid to get shot and I'll give you a bazillion dollars.
Cool, you have fun getting within a few feet of someone trying to rob your ass in order to stab them...
But dude, don't you realize that:
-He may be a poor, defenseless addict, simply trying to fund his addiction. Poor guy.
-Might be down on his luck and have a family to feed. Poor guy.
-In a moment of weakness, decided to turn to criminal behavior. Can't blame him, eh?
-Maybe he just lost his job and it's his daughter's birthday? :-o
Oh woops, sorry...I keed I keed.

There are situations where a gunwould be necessary. I for one wouldn't shoot the minute I saw the intruder. If he is unarmed, then surely I would not. If I KNOW my life is in danger, well, that's another story. Each situation is different.