I was only commenting on what reads like a conspiracy theory. That is all. For the record, I own an AR-15 and S&W .45 So I'm pro-gun.
But dude, don't you realize that:
-He may be a poor, defenseless addict, simply trying to fund his addiction. Poor guy.
-Might be down on his luck and have a family to feed. Poor guy.
-In a moment of weakness, decided to turn to criminal behavior. Can't blame him, eh?
-Maybe he just lost his job and it's his daughter's birthday? :-o
Oh woops, sorry...I keed I keed.
There are situations where a gunwould be necessary. I for one wouldn't shoot the minute I saw the intruder. If he is unarmed, then surely I would not. If I KNOW my life is in danger, well, that's another story. Each situation is different.
Love that old school H&K look. You Germans make some fine, fine weapons. ;-)
dude, i love glocks... and thats one sexy assed one! however, this is possibly one of my fav's, sig p226:
I cant stand the american way of looking at criminals(i'm generalising bigtime yes). lets shoot the mother who is trying to feed her children. 1% of the ppl in the US owns 50% of its wealth. But let's shoot them criminals. Us has the biggest gap ant therefore lots and lots of criminals.
I'm fucking pissed![]()
Again, nobody said you HAVE to shoot them. Learn how to read. I'm not fucking rich, I worked to earn everything I have - I don't give a shit if some dude is trying to feed his family, he's taking MY SHIT to do it. I guess I would be the asshole for trying to prevent that, huh?
What the fuck do you even mean, "the american way of looking at criminals," you mean - like they are criminals?!? What other way should anyone look at a criminal? With open arms? Sure, come take my possessions, rape my sister, steal my car, poor guys man... Let me guess, you welcome any intruder into your home to have his pick of your belongings hmm? Gimme a fucking break dude.
What is better, to have a gun and not have to ever use it - or need one and not have it? I want to come live in your magical country where criminals are your friend.