I bought a gun today.

I'm not a fan of guns but I think the Europeans don't understand that much of this is self perpetuating. There are nearly as many guns in this country as people right now, so your chances of encountering them are much greater. It isn't that we don't understand "prevention" as someone suggested (there are alarms and/or dogs in 75% of the houses in my neighborhood for example). If you experience a gun crime or find the threat "real" enough there is a huge "fire with fire" temptation.

Now that said, the chances that someone without any target practice or gun training could successfully defend themselves are slim. Again, I've never owned or liked guns but we have a right to own them here and I simply request that if you choose to have them you keep them locked away from children and criminals and that you learn to use them safely and correctly with the proper respect for what they do.

As far as the "forthcoming Obama's gonna take my guns and send the army to my house" conspiracy theory-- If I believed that was a remote possibility I would simply move. There are too many cool places in the world to live some place where you need firearms to protect yourself from the people you pay taxes to. That isn't a "love it or leave it" statement either. That's practical reality.
I think what most "Europeans" find strange is that you don't have to have any practical need for one to get a hold of one.
While in most European countries it's perfectly possible to obtain a wide variety of firearms, providing you have a legitimate reason for having one other than "they are out to get me/ just because".
In that the same way you can get hold of any drug you need with prescription.
I do understand that that is just the way things are. I wish that we were in a situation were there was very little government intervention generally, on the other hand, I also wish there weren't meth-heads about.

I do think some of the british laws regarding gun control are very heavy handed. I used to be friends with a guy who's dad was going to train for Olympic pistol shooting, however after Dunblane, he would have had to move to France to be able to do so.
Yeah, I was trying to explain that part of the reason guns are bought here vs Europe and the UK (pardon the previous combination of the two) is that they are already everywhere here. Certainly the ease of obtaining a gun exacerbates the numbers here. The reality is that if a guy sticks a gun in my face that gun probably isn't legal.....however it almost certainly was at some point. So someone buys a gun for home defense and keeps it in a drawer and someone steals that gun while no one's home (at least here almost all home invasions happen logically while people are at work). Rinse, repeat.

Personally I'd love to have a gun owners test (basic safety and operation) and waiting period in every state but I know that that could never pass constitutional/gun lobby muster. To that extent I support the NRA for at least having classes and such.
What B.S.?
I'm merely pointing out the obvious fallacies in JeffTD's argument.
No one really believes the US is going to roll out Marine divisions down the streets and gather up guns from the citizens.
IF there were a gun ban, it's not going to be enforced like that at all.
And IF they did, there's certainly not enough military units to blanket the country!
They would probably have to suspend other Constitutional rights regarding free travel and gatherings, as well.
Then perhaps we could see UN troops doing checkpoint duty on the interstates.
Spread out troops, checkpoints, this kind of thing doesn't work out well and lends itself to guerilla warfare. Combat troops make lousy cops. Put a couple of white helmeted UN "peacekeepers" in front of a Humvee at an intersection and they make great targets at night.

Also, there are tremendous amounts of Class III munitions and arms in the private sector. Unbelievable quantities of rifle silencers, armor piercing 50cal ammo, all sorts of effective small arms that would work well in this type of armed resistance.

And it has also been theorized that indeed the most likely scenario of a real revolution in the US would occur in the form of a military coup. What could trigger that? POTUS giving the order to ignore Constitutional provisions to the contrary, and to use military force against citizens? Possibly.
Another likely scenario in the WHAT IF vein is that Texas and other SW States would band together and secede from the union.
All out warfare of the Pentagon against the citizens of the US is laughable and unrealistic.

Painting pro-gun people as idiots who believe that a Marine division is going to assault Main Street USA and they're somehow going to stop it with a single rifle and revolver is untrue and unfair.

Obviously, the current administration gives great concern to legal gun owners due to the publicly stated anti-2nd Amendment stance of Eric Holder, Kagan, and other recent appointees on the Circuit and Federal levels of law enforcement and judiciary posts.
Also, Hillary's involvement in UNODA causes speculation and concern when past US Secretaries have snubbed it.

As a person who cherishes their freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution in the US, one of the best things you can do to preserve the completeness of our Constitution and Bill of Rights, is to legally purchase firearms and actively use them in a legal and responsible manner, be it for self defense, competition, hunting, etc.

I find it odd that in a "heavy metal" music community, especially where much of the lyrics of said genre contain messages of anarchy, anti-government, violence, anger, etc., that a person posts about buying a firearm and the thread is flooded with a pacifist mentality.
"Anarchist-pacifist" is kind of an oxymoron, and sort of hypocritical to me.

I discount what those members from outside the US state.
I understand your opinion, but it does not apply to this debate and I have no argument with you.

For the record, I endorse no political party, nor do I believe in aliens or UFOs.

You guys sound like a bunch of whiny hippies or something....
Here's the "double rainbow" reference:

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If I lived in the US I would get a gun in about 5 seconds. It's just a different country/different criminal climate you can't possibly compare the two (Scandinavia and US)
I think the HK33 is quite a badass looking gun and would love one, although it is not possible...boooo.


Love that old school H&K look. You Germans make some fine, fine weapons. ;-)

But dude, don't you realize that:

-He may be a poor, defenseless addict, simply trying to fund his addiction. Poor guy.
-Might be down on his luck and have a family to feed. Poor guy.
-In a moment of weakness, decided to turn to criminal behavior. Can't blame him, eh?
-Maybe he just lost his job and it's his daughter's birthday? :-o

Oh woops, sorry...I keed I keed. ;)

There are situations where a gunwould be necessary. I for one wouldn't shoot the minute I saw the intruder. If he is unarmed, then surely I would not. If I KNOW my life is in danger, well, that's another story. Each situation is different.



I cant stand the american way of looking at criminals(i'm generalising bigtime yes). lets shoot the mother who is trying to feed her children. 1% of the ppl in the US owns 50% of its wealth. But let's shoot them criminals. Us has the biggest gap ant therefore lots and lots of criminals.

I'm fucking pissed:lol:
Honestly I think the HK416 is the best of the best right now and will be adopted by more and more armed forces around the world eventually!

You can also mate the upper receiver with existing M16/M4 lowers...win!

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Love that old school H&K look. You Germans make some fine, fine weapons. ;-)

H&K should get residuals from the first Die Hard movie. I enjoyed the MP5's time on screen almost as much as Bruce Willis'. :D

dude, i love glocks... and thats one sexy assed one! however, this is possibly one of my fav's, sig p226:

Man, I love the look of a 226. I would only ever buy a old used one because I think the rails on the newer ones are like someone getting an ugly forehead tattoo, but that works out fine cos I's a cheap bastard.

I cant stand the american way of looking at criminals(i'm generalising bigtime yes). lets shoot the mother who is trying to feed her children. 1% of the ppl in the US owns 50% of its wealth. But let's shoot them criminals. Us has the biggest gap ant therefore lots and lots of criminals.

I'm fucking pissed:lol:

Again, nobody said you HAVE to shoot them. Learn how to read. I'm not fucking rich, I worked to earn everything I have - I don't give a shit if some dude is trying to feed his family, he's taking MY SHIT to do it. I guess I would be the asshole for trying to prevent that, huh? :rolleyes:

What the fuck do you even mean, "the american way of looking at criminals," you mean - like they are criminals?!? What other way should anyone look at a criminal? With open arms? Sure, come take my possessions, rape my sister, steal my car, poor guys man... Let me guess, you welcome any intruder into your home to have his pick of your belongings hmm? Gimme a fucking break dude.

What is better, to have a gun and not have to ever use it - or need one and not have it? I want to come live in your magical country where criminals are your friend.
Again, nobody said you HAVE to shoot them. Learn how to read. I'm not fucking rich, I worked to earn everything I have - I don't give a shit if some dude is trying to feed his family, he's taking MY SHIT to do it. I guess I would be the asshole for trying to prevent that, huh? :rolleyes:

What the fuck do you even mean, "the american way of looking at criminals," you mean - like they are criminals?!? What other way should anyone look at a criminal? With open arms? Sure, come take my possessions, rape my sister, steal my car, poor guys man... Let me guess, you welcome any intruder into your home to have his pick of your belongings hmm? Gimme a fucking break dude.

What is better, to have a gun and not have to ever use it - or need one and not have it? I want to come live in your magical country where criminals are your friend.

No dude you are not an asshole. I acctually totally agree with you. Noone has the right to take your possesions. I't wasnt direcly towards you. I'm just angry generally about capitallism and its consequences.

And no i dont live in a magical country where criminals are nice and we welcome them with open arms:popcorn:. But we dont need guns thats for sure. It wouldnt make shit better:lol: