I buy a Mac and I take pictures


Rome 64 C.E.
May 17, 2006
i wholeheartedly recommend everyone ditch PCs and get a Mac, because they are so amazing. Easy and intuitive and they work amazing
this is a core duo 2.2ghz, 2gb ram, gf 8600 m with 128 mb video ram, 120gb. very sexy moffo. It comes with a remote control that allows me to listen to music in bed and change the song in front row without moving. Even better, i got it new for 1850 with taxes. On top of that i spent an extra 450 on webdesign cs3 suite and a 3 year warranty. After I got it i raided all the bulk apple put on it, which was the iworks suite and the office for mac trial version. I am Micro$ft free now. I will get over it soon so you don't have to hear me brag anymore:P until then:
Well, macs are more stable, are faster, all around better. And now that they have Intel core quad processors, they can do AND run anything that a pc can, including windows, without viruses.
As a graphic designer, I'll say that macs do have an upper edge on PCs, but strictly on rendering capabilities.

I've used macs in previous jobs, and overall I still prefer the PC. When doing 3D stuff (3dsmax, etc.) I definitely prefer having a mac. Cuts my load time a bit.

Nowadays, Macs are for people who have no knowledge of computers, and are too lazy to learn.
you can run cs:s with similar performance and aspect on a mac with crossover, hell you can even install windows nowadays on them.

One of the reasons I got a mac was that I need to run a lot of adobe software such as dreamweaver, flash, fireworks, and the creative suite, photoshop etc. On linux I couldn't do that, and I am never ever going to use vista.

On top of that, it really delivers in terms of performance. OSX loads in about 20 seconds, from when i click power to when i'm in it and can do whatever I want, most apps almost start instantly.
For recording, I plan on putting ardour and audacity on with hydrogen and a freeware guitar emulation program. Right now I have no money to invest in that software. I won't have that money for another year. With a new guitar, bunch of clothes, and a new computer I'm really edging towards a deficit:P

I also dig Apple's attention to detail. The laptop is very polished, the papers it comes with have a sense of humor, I have weather reports in the dashport by default after inputting the location of where i was, and the power cord is magnetic and it basically goes in on its own. And photobooth is also lots of fun.

I am a happy camper with my mac and I plan on using it for the next five years. My girlfriend has had her old macbook pro for 5 years now and it is running well without a reformat since. OS X10.3 on her starts in 30 seconds and apps have start up times comparable to mine. Such a performance difference is really way above the league of windows xp for a non power user. with vista, microsoft started their descent into obscurity. Only a really good product can save them. Plus, I have to say that I fucking hate the new office. They installed it at school. It is the worst piece of shit since Windows ME. It is a total pain in the ass. I tried to print my paper for school and asked me 3 different times for shit, like are you sure you want to print from the memory stick. what a retarded question given i opened my file from the memory stick....
Your school got Office 2007? What a waste of money. They could have OpenOffice for FREE.
they got it for half the computers, it is still a waste of money. For school purposes they could have used linux and have custom built computers made in seattle and save a million compared to buying shit dell computers and a ton of money on software....the exception would be the graphics room where we use mac minis and adobe creative suite 2. They have much better investments to make, and if they don't have any in mind they could have given the teachers an extra buck...
Well Paul, let me be the first to say, "That's nice" and accompany it with this photo:


Macs are good for specific purposes. A main example would be for photo editing or movie editing type of things, people perfer the MAC for art then Windows.

But in terms of gameing its not all that great cause there are just a few games out for it, example Unreal Tournament.

That's why I don't use MACS, i game way to much. :)

This is how my last encounter with a mac ended up. And that was the last thing it ever did. We have two cabinets of last generation G4's at our university back from 2003 that are about to be substituted (at least I hope so).

Up until now I have a total frag count of two G4 towers, 2 keyboards and one mouse. IT IS INSANE. Every time I'm getting near those thingies they blow up. There is this thing I call "the wheel of fortune" that appears when a background process is running... I hate it... nightmares of countless fucked up Avid sessions come back to my mind.

I want to like Apple... but obviously they don't like me... so yeah, fuck you Steve Jobs! :lol:

If it wasn't for ProTools shizzle I wouldn't even need to touch them. Yes, these macs are fine looking artsy gadgets but I see no reason for switching. If you're not a moron and know how to set up and maintain your PC system, then there's now need to switch unless you need it for certain applications.
The argument that Macs can run Windows is silly - the point is to not be running Windows, isn't it? Also, the statement that a Mac running Windows is more stable and virus free is ludicrous.