I came here to get one question answered

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I guess the popularity angle makes a good bit of sense. but with all the shit-talk I heard, it was truly shocking to learn this
If you'll notice, most non-idiots that don't like Trivium tend to not waste their breath berating such a putrid band.
Tuno Ido Tarlat is awesome.
Yes. Everyone stop talking about Trivium and watch this video:

...Csillagkohó. Everything connected to Kátai Tamás (Gort, Gire, Towards Rusted Soil) is cutting edge stuff, one of the best resources in metal today.
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Yes. Everyone stop talking about Trivium and watch this video:

...Csillagkohó. Everything connected to Kátai Tamás (Gort, Gire, Towards Rusted Soil) is cutting edge stuff, one of the best resources in metal today.

Nice track, not a bid vid either.:headbang:
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Other than Alive or Just Breathing by KsE, Ascendancy might be the best metalcore album ever put out. It's debatable because The Fall of Ideals is fucking amazing as well.
I like Trivium, but I think most people hate them because of their ego and quick fame at a young age. Metalcore is a really crowded genre these days, but somehow the appealed more than everyone else that does it better. People really hate that. XD

Honestly I don't see whats wrong with ripping off Metallica and throwing some -core over it. Plenty of other bands are inspired by Metallica very much, and Metallica doesn't seem to be going anywhere lately anyways; other than stupid publicity like Hetfield getting stopped as a taliban suspect for his beard. :p
I have only ever heard one song, and it was that one on YouTube that goes like, "BOAT, RUDDER!!!" etc. LIME!! WOIL!!

I think if they had come out as a MetalliClone of sorts, then people would not have hated them as much. But from what I see people say, they came out as metalcore. Then they put out somewhat of a Metalliclone some kinda thrash thing (I haven't heard it) and the press starts talking about the rebirth of thrash and crap of that nature. Well, that there is enough of a reason to hate them. Thrash is fine and has been coming back to life for years now, with no help from some mallcore band. So I think that's part of the issue.
If they got a new singer who is more metal sounding I would like them more. Musically, they don't sound too bad, but their singer blows.
Other than Alive or Just Breathing by KsE, Ascendancy might be the best metalcore album ever put out. It's debatable because The Fall of Ideals is fucking amazing as well.

Between The Buried And Me's self titled destroys either of those albums.
Between The Buried And Me's self titled destroys either of those albums.

I think BTBAM sucks, so no. They should have never been given a record contract. Same goes for Dillinger Escape Plan.

Personally, Heaven Shall Burn destroys any other -core band out there.

Also, I found KsE's debut better than Alive or Just Breathing

Heaven Shall Burn does indeed kick ass.
Aren't they more math metal though?

I know I've heard a few songs from them and thought they were awful. Not sure if it was from the self-titled though.

Math metal is just a bullshit term to refer to technical metalcore bands like Psyopus and yes BTBAM.

Listen to the self-titled though, one of the most intense albums you'll ever hear.
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