I came here to get one question answered

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why does everyone hate Trivium so badly?

I must say right off the bat, I'm not a big fan of them myself.... but when I hear their music I don't hear anything distinctly bad about their music.... is it just because they wear gay make-up and look like an emo band instead of metal? otherwise I just can't see why they would attract so much more negative attention than the average bland metal-ish band
Yes, it's because they look like an emo band, and have emo lyrics about relationships.
Reasons why I dont' like Trivium

4. They attract fans that seem emo.

Yes, it's because they look like an emo band, and have emo lyrics about relationships.

Because lyrics about relationships are exclusive to emo. No one's ever done that before. :loco:

Average emo band looks like this

Trivum looks like this

With that kind of judgment, you might want to give your eyes to a terminal patient, because they might work as well for them as they did for you.

This is just a fine lesson in... if you're going to bash a band, at least don't look stupid doing it. :Smug:

I guess we answered the OP pretty well though. Its their look, the way they play, and their personality that many people love to hate above all else. Most of all, hate is great for community unity.
You're a douche. Chairman's post was they attract fans that are emo. Try reading next time. And no, they don't look like an emo band, nor do they sound like an emo band... they just suck. Massively. Also, It's nothing about community unity, you're just trying to make yourself sound like you are above us and we're all blind and dumb, mindless sheep with no opinions of our own. Try again.
Calm down, sir. I'm just throwing out another tasteless opinion - I thought (and still think) calling any band that at least tries to play metal, something like "emo" is ridiculous. Had to call that one out. Let the emo genre and their fans rot on their own. We don't need anything to do with that shit.

Just trying to make a funny. I failed. But you don't agree on the unity part? C'mon, around here, with all these different opinions on music... next to talk of beer and women, we tend to agree on why we hate the bands we do.
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