I can't believe this (guilty-pleasure-related)

I keep hearing this name but have yet to hear the band. Every comment I've ever heard is "this band sucks, but I really like them!"

See Muddlin' Puddin' thread. :loco:

Their only song I like. I don't know which one is their new one.
I've never heard this band. What do they sound like? The band name is enough for me to laugh at them, though. The Darkness is the kind of name that just ozzes we're-really-pussies-but-we're-picking-an-evil-sounding-and-extremely-cliche-name-so-we-will-be-viewed-as-tough-guy-rockers.

I already hate this band. hahaha

You are all gay for liking that shit. I watched "I Believe in a Thing Called Love" from that link. I found nothing remotely listenable in that song. The guitar playing is laughable. The chorus sucks. The lead singer should be tortured and killed just on general principle.

And what is so "Dark" about that band?
EDIT: :lol: I wrote this post before the one directly above. I must be psychic. :lol:

Dreamlord - The Darkness are retro rock music. Think of a mix between T-Rex (Marc Bolan), Queen, and The Black Crowes.

They came out at a time when nu-metal was saturating the airwaves (like 6 months ago). Honestly, you couldn't get further from all that shitty angst and 'woe is me because I still live at home with my parents' nonsense. This is flares, Gibson Les Pauls, and basically glam rock.

Having said all that, you will, without any shadow of a doubt, detest this band.
I know, we're crossing wires here.

For the record, I do not own any The Darkness. It doesn't surprise me that Chief B likes it. The last CD he bought was Evanescence. :loco:
Listening and watching *wretch* that video, I immediately thought of Queen. But Queen could actually play their instruments and were gifted with a talented vocalist. How anyone could possibly like The Darkness is beyond me.

And Evanescence sucks.
The thing about Queen was all Freddie Mercury. Yeah, Brain May ruled no doubt for his catchy rhythms and solos, but as a stadium rock front man, there are few who can match Mr Mercury and his command over the massive audiences. I take my hat off to the guy, may he RIP.

The Darkness is a fad, but in that thread about the "next trends", some people listed them as the next big thing after nu-metal. You never know, The Darkness may open the floodgates of more retro-glam rock...
Oh no. Not glam rock again. Big hair, flashy clothes.... :yell:

Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, Korn, Mudvayne, come back, all is forgiven....
How come Mudvayvaybye always gets lumped into the nu? Their singer sucks nuts, but the band isn't too bad.
eh, I was just naming nu-ish bands. maybe I shoulda said Pap Roach instead. Still, what I've heard from Mudvayne was quite nu. Plus, they rely on a gimmickwhich doesn't help their cause.
I just watched a video for I Believe In a Thing Called Love. Pretty catchy, but uh, those dudes aren't serious... are they? HAHA, laser beams from the guitar!!!! Good joke band, but about 20 years too late, no?
Dreamlord said:

You are all gay for liking that shit. I watched "I Believe in a Thing Called Love" from that link. I found nothing remotely listenable in that song. The guitar playing is laughable. The chorus sucks. The lead singer should be tortured and killed just on general principle.

And what is so "Dark" about that band?
A shocking statement from someone who has ZERO musical history to draw upon. Unless we're counting West Texas Christian rock.