I can't believe this (guilty-pleasure-related)

Well yeah, generally the look of death combined with a middle finger is all I need to get my point across, but color me impressed by those lengthy Cockney insults.
Dreamlord said:
SO this is an insut,then? I was always wondering what the hell that British baddie in Gone in 60 Seconds was saying.
Was that his only line in the movie? I think it was criminal that they didn't use Vinnie Jones more in that flick.

For anyone who wants a lesson in Bri'ish, go watch "Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels" and "Snatch" this weekend. Both films are sincerely excellent.

And if there's anybody here who has not seen Trainspotting, they should immediately go blow the next guy they see. Probably one of the best movies, ever. (Excellent book too).
Vinnie Jones was awesome in that movie. He's a hoot to watch. The baddie's only line was something like "We're done here, so sod off. You got a problem, take it up with Calitri."

I've seen Snatch and it was very entertaining, especially the end.

I couldn't make it through Trainspotting. After seeing a dead baby, some dude shit himself, and Ewan McGregor go swimming in his toilet, I turned it off.
JayKeeley said:
You will love Lock, Stock... Vinnie Jones steals the show.
Yeah, Lock, Stock is really good. Even I don't understand much of the slang though, so good luck to any non-Brits. I haven't seen Snatch, thought I suspect I should. Best British film I've seen recently is 28 Days Later, which has GYBE! in the soundtrack, which makes it even better.
I thought 28 Days Later was an ENORMOUS disappointment, especially once they met up with the soldiers. That film was craptacular for the final 45 minutes.

Snatch is an absolute MUST-SEE IMO. And strangely enough, Brad Pitt is far and away one of the best actors in the movie, and he's not even British. He nails the cockney-gypsy accent/mannerisms so well, it's scary.
I agree somewhat on the soldier part. SO basically they try to kill the protagonist and cause everything to go to shit for a piece of ass? C'mon, there are killer semi-zombies out there! Forget about the poon for a second. I thought soldiers had discipline.
Snatch kicks so much ass it's not even funny. Everything about that movie is perfect, the characters, acting, even the entire soundtrack is perfectly placed.

Lock Stock I watch on a regular basis, and the DVD has a Cockney rhyming slang translator that helps quite a bit. After about 3 times watching it I could understand most of it. I'm glad they put translated subtitles for the bar scene explanation though. :D

Still haven't seen Trainspotting. :erk:
Oh yeah, forgot about that. Guess I'll go find my boss, maybe I'll even get a raise out of the deal. o_O

I agree about the subtitles in Lock, Stock, because they flash across in an educational/documentary manner...

"'ere, have a butchers at this then"

Subtitles: Butchers -> Butchers Hook -> 'Look'
