I did a good deed today ! Do I get a cookie ?


Rule by the Claw!
Nov 17, 2003
The United States
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Well I walked into Oceanography with my headphones on and was talking to this guy I know that's also in my Music course. I was listening to Follow the Reaper and he was telling me he had never heard of CoB. Hark and listen heathen!, I said, and slapped my headphones on his ears. He liked it! +skips+ So do I get a cookie ? A really hot one with extra chocolate chips maybe ? :saint:
Yeah, kitty a whole pack of cookies for ya :)

heres a companion to eat all those cookies with


~Rappion Lapsi~ said:
Am i only one who thinks that puking in a girl's shoes is a great seduction method?

yes, hun, you are.


bleh, if i got a cookie everytime i got someone into a good band i'd be a fat... uhh... fatter fuck :lol:

for example, one of my classmates i met this year used to listen to blink 182 and that kind of crappy stuff....
last week he brought a Dream Theater album :D
I know, lemme see my friend Suze is a BIG Incubus fan and pretty much that was all she listened to. Since I started my music campaign on her she has bought a Lacuna Coil album and a Nightwish album. She has also gone with me to see both of them in concert.

I have just started with Charles. =rubs hands together= Even though I haven't been listening to metal for a long time. I just get excited when I find something I like and I just have to shove everyone's face in it! I also like it when people tell me bands I should take a listen to!

I know chocolate is fattening but it sings to me! "eat me....eat me...."