I don't know about this new Priest album....


Steal Your Face
Sorry. I keep thinking about it from time to time....and I have a bad feeling about a concept album about Nostre Damus. I mean, the cheese possibilities there are limitless. Also, the surprise (to me anyway) reunion of Heaven and Hell for the tour, and maybe a couple of other events, have, to me, made this coming album even more irrelevent. I guess I'm just still dissapointed with Angel of Retribution. But, Priest was/is such a archetypal metal band, and it's funny, but I'm thinking they of all people should be pulling this reunion off with high marks. That has not proved to be so, though.

I hate to say it, but I'm going on record here as believing the album will be fairly lame, and more, will not generate any real interest or success. Too bad, but there it is.

I know a lot of people like Painkiller a LOT, but that was around the time I stopped being interested, and I dare say they picked up right where they left off, not a good thing in my book. I respect them for trying, but I'm thinking Priest is a litte out of touch these days.

Sorry, just my two cents.
Yep. I strongly disagree with you on Painkiller and Angel, both among Priest's best IMO, but this new one just reeks of Spinal Tap. Of course I'll give the new album a fair shot but all the hype has made a more negative impact actually. Every comment the band makes about the new album just makes you think they're aiming way too high, I'm not slagging on Priest but they've never been about epic stuff like this. Old dog, new tricks, blah blah, I hope I'm wrong!
It kinda feels like the total complete 180 Maiden did after Seventh Son and that didn't work out either (stylistically that one was the exact opposite of course).

Angel of Retribution on the other hand was IMO a perfect example of what Priest does best. Classic rocking songs, they should stick with that for the years they still have left.
Well, I certainly support your right to like AOR, especially since I didn't think it was a poor album per se. I just wanted more tunes like the title track (which I DID like), and maybe more of what might find on Screaming or Defenders....or even Unleashed in the East to be totally ambitious about it. But, I do respect their right to move forward as they wish, and further don't think the album was an emberrasmant, just not my particular cup of tea. Still, I think many are worried about this new one coming....
Historically concept albums are tough to pull off successfully but it can be done. For example Floyd's Dark Side is a huge success.

If any band can pull off a concept album I think Priest has a good chance at it... so I'm holding my opinion until I give it a fair shake.
I know a lot of people like Painkiller a LOT, but that was around the time I stopped being interested, and I dare say they picked up right where they left off, not a good thing in my book. I respect them for trying, but I'm thinking Priest is a litte out of touch these days.

Sorry, just my two cents.

Hey nothing wrong with voicing your opinion, I am however surprised at the Painkiller comment. I consider that album Priest at some of their finest!
My only concern is the symphonic talking. I don't care a bout a concept album, but I don't want symphonic shit in Judas Priest (don't care in a prog metal band or so), I like my JP like "Defenders Of The Faith" or "Painkiller", pure umcompromised straightforward HEAVY FUCKING METAL.

Again time will tell, when the album comes I'll listen to it and then decide.

NP: Saxon - 'State Of Grace'
I enjoyed the latest Priest record. It was a very good album. Not their best but better than most of their catalogue. While for the most part it wasn't contemporary, so what? They tried that with ripper and the results weren't very good. Let Priest do what they do best: write heavy metal.

I'm with Metal Ages; Painkiller was their best album.
....and I have a bad feeling about a concept album about Nostre Damus. I mean, the cheese possibilities there are limitless.

If anyone's entitled to be cheesy, it's Priest. I do agree that Priest seems to be going into uncharted territory with a concept album. Having said that, I did enjoy their last album so if even the concept side of the album fails there will still be some good metal in there somewhere.
I agree that Painkiller is over-rated. Good record but at least 6 other Priest albums own it.

Anyway, after the letdown that was "Angel", I don't have high hopes for the new Priest. And, yes, you're probably right in saying that the "Nostradamus" concept will probably fail. Priest hasn't been a truly cutting edge band since the early 80s, IMO.
Like Soundmaster I found AOR to be a monumental disappointment. Indeed I was fully prepared to love that record and anticipated it eagerly...but it just left me cold all around. I cannot say I expect anything different from the new one, unfortunately.

Personally though, I found the "Painkiller" evolution to be a brilliant move at the time. I had long since given up on Priest for heavier, darker things after "Defenders..." Then I heard "Painkiller" and was floored at the progression. I would have loved more along those lines, with whatever further progress they might have incorporated. Alas, it wasn't to be...
I'm with Metal Ages; Painkiller was their best album.
Ditto, I saw them twice on that tour what a way to send Halford out.
That was their peak man, we'll NEVER see them top that tourwise or musicwise again. I'll pick up the new album, because it won't be Turbo...
I really liked AOR...for about a month. I haven't heard it since probably June or July of last year and I've not had a single craving to pull it off the shelf. I guess that means it wasn't a very good album, at least not as good as I originally thought. Meanwhile, I've been playing the hell out of Defenders and Painkiller this winter.

I have no expectations one way or the other on the new Priest. I'll wait till it comes out and then pass judgement. I'll say this, though. I'm not on pins and needles waiting for it.

What I am on pins and needles for is the new Cage album (for all intents and purposes, the successor of Priest style metal in modern day).
Well I´m sure the next album will be good. I did like latest album alot. And I beliave Rob and guys can still make some metal classics.
I've not heard anything other than what you guys are posting here. I never have my hopes up, and wait till way after it comes out so I don't have to deal with other people saying how great it's gonna be or how great it is.
I wait till the hype is gone, then I find the disk check it out and go from there.
I've only bought two albums in my entire life because of the hype, and those were Pantera-reinventing the steel(not dissapointed at all)
Blind Guardian-Night at the Opera(not dissapointed either)
And I've heard BG has better albums before so I'm waiting to find those.
I love PAINKILLER, definetally their best album.
Though they do have some albums that have many mediocre songs with only the guitar solos that rip, I wont have my hopes up for their next one.
I really liked 'Judas is Rising', sounded like their old stuff, I've got the video of it on myspace too.
Hhmm...if any band can hammer out a concept album & make it kill I believe Priest can. I can't wait to hear this beast.
Oh No!
Painkiller is great but not their best. Sad Wings and Stained Class are so much better.

That being said, I am worried about this new one as well.
Oh No!
Painkiller is great but not their best. Sad Wings and Stained Class are so much better.

That being said, I am worried about this new one as well.

Yes! Painkiller is fantastic as a more "contemporary" Metal effort(and again, a direction I had originally hoped they might explore further with AOR)- but classic Priest(especially Sad Wings and Stained Class as noted)is the true artistically creative, trend-setting Priest at their finest!
In fact, I have never heard anyone who followed Priest from those earlier days - even from the "British Steel or Screaming..." era(which is where I first came on board) - who considers Painkiller their best overall. Interesting...
In fact, I have never heard anyone who followed Priest from those earlier days - even from the "British Steel or Screaming..." era(which is where I first came on board) - who considers Painkiller their best overall. Interesting...

I had. But I agree that most of the old schoolers which started with JP way before have their preferences set otherwise. Mine was, is and always will be "Defenders of The Faith"

NP: Yes - 'Arriving UFO'
Hhmm...if any band can hammer out a concept album & make it kill I believe Priest can.
Well on this I have to disagree completely, Priest is absolutely not the one band I'm most confident in when it comes to concept albums. That requires a special kind of ambition which Priest hasn't really shown in the last 30 years IMO. Don't get me wrong but since the 70s they've "dumbed down" their lyrics and song structures significantly and I have a hard time seeing them do a successful concept album now. I much prefer their post-70s output actually and feel that's where they're at their best, doing those "simple" rockers and singing about lazer bullets, turbo lovers etc. :cool:
I mean, the cheese possibilities there are limitless.

I'm in total agreement with everything electric wiz said.
The thing is, And don't get pissed at me for saying it, but they have made some shitty music and I do mean before Halford left.
Not every one of their albums was good, painkiller was the best IMO, but their were acouple of albums before that had some good songs but the rest were not very good.
You can't or shouldn't expect too much from them, don't listen to what every brown-nose punk says, just cause everyone says it rules doesn't mean that it will when YOU hear it.
Everyone expects something diferent.

It's like when the word about Metallica making a new album was going around.
Everyone was like "This is their best ever, and if you like the old stuff, you'll definetally love this album it kicks ass!!!"
But did it? No, it did not!:yuk: