I don't know how to say this without being offensive, but...

@Sat: yes, there is a correlation (because my friend had very high THC levels in his blood and was also experiencing a type of panic attacks, and the doctor said they were probably related), but that does not mean it is a high one. I would not blame it on marijuana.
anonymousnick2001 said:
It was probably from internal pressures or band/label/touring pressures or family trouble or a questioning of faith or one of the 5 million different things a person must deal with in a life that could cause you to snap.

Drugs? Who knows? I say we leave it to M. Lopez and his parientes to decide and deal. We should be supportive.

That was probably expected, but I digress. It's how I feel. It's our nature as fans to wonder, but if it were me, I'd wish the fans wouldn't.

Im too drunk and stoned to know what you're really saying here.... But anyway..... Pot fucks with the chemical balance of whatever is up there... And you all know how insanely many people who try to take their own life. It really terrrible.

There are more people taking their ownm life than people dying in car accidents( at least in depressed boring norway). Pot isnt good for those people!" Seriously! It just makes their bad thoughts even worse! I'm very very very happy im one of those people that doesnt get THAT depressed, but there is MANY MANY MANY super depressed people out there. Its really sad!

Im very drunk and very stoned... Thats the only time I can really smoke and not have any problem with it. If I smoke when my mind is "oK", then I can get depressed. Hm... Be happy people and understand that not everyone reacts the same way to cannabis. I know I react in a very special way to it.

Heia Brann!
Drummers always break down and lose it at some point. It's completely natural. I've never seen an extreme metal drummer live that didn't look like he was either dying or not enjoying himself. =)
Apocalyptic said:
:OMG: OPETH MEMBERS DOING DRUGS?????? thats just fucking stupid. If they do use drugs, then here is one person who is no longer an opeth fan.
You are fucking pathetic. If it wasn't for drugs ( more so the good musicians obviously) we wouldn't have a lot of the great music we have today. I thought you people were in it for the music anyway... not the personality or recreational preference of the man playing the music.

You know Opeth doesn't attend church every sunday either, and I'm pretty sure they all have had some sort of pre-marital sex before. The martin's listen to Tool too ... are Tool to mainstream for you, are you no longer a fan of Opeth.

It's about the music dude. I hope it's drug/tour related, in that case it would be something he can deal with, rather than some sort of chemical based depression or breakdown, that sort of thing could put em off tour and a drum set for the rest of his life. Now would you want that you hardcore anti-druggie, anti-music, Opeth "fan"?
Apocalyptic said:
yeah...... real childish.... so youre supporting the use of drugs? what the FUCK is wrong with you people. i just done see the use of drugs. i get high off of life, i dont need that shit. sometime you guys just gotta look back on your life and say "is this where i want to be in 5 years?". If your doing drugs, youll be on the street begging for money. so dont tell me whats childish. whats childish is eating psilocybin mushrooms and seeing visuals and feeling odd body buzzes as your thoughts get layered and you sit in awe of the things you see in your own room. thats childish.
hahahahah yeh you make a good point about the mushrooms.. but who said anything about mushrooms. Yeh it's a poison .. people sniff/huff? gas that's stupid .. people shoot each other... that's stupid. So even if I go to university get a good Job with a wife and kids.. if I still smoke weed there is no way out of it, there is no way that I won't end up on the streets begging for drug money.

Of course I don't want to be here in 5 years... I live with my parents and I spend their money to buy drugs. I feel really bad about that but in 5 years I will be out of college or uni and hopefully working somewhere/playing in a band.. I can spend that money to buy pot and smoke it. My life won't be any worse, if my wife died and my kids moved out and I still found it in me to smoke pot than I would be selfish to try and ease my pain by altering my state of mind. I may aswell shoot myself.

What's foolish is that you would sacrifice good music and one of your favorite bands ( I assume they are one of) just because one of the members is doing drugs.

I don't think Martin is a bum begging on the street I'm pretty sure they have enough revenue from those CD's to keep them alive and fed. He may have psychological problems (like millions of other people) but I can fucking guarantee you that they aren't from pot or acid or whatever the fuck he is doing.

I did way to much acid last summer and I had some severe problems.... I got help, counseling and shit.... and you know what they told me? ... they told me that my problem was society and governments and just stupid people like you in general. I did too much acid and it made me think of everything that was wrong in this world ... that's what made me depressed for two months. So I guess I shouldn't have did that acid and maybe I wouldn't have realized how corrupt and fucked this world is.

Lopez (The poor guy) is more than likely fucked because of all the pressure from media ( the fans, the questions), the touring, and the business. It's fucking hard shit to go through for anyone ... It gets even worse when you have a little drug "problem" that makes you see the world through critical eyes.

If Lopez is going through what I think he's going through he should just wait till he gets home and smoke some good hash.. relax with family... get laid .. do what most normal people do, then sit down to a drum set and play some fucking Tool.

and for all you stupid fucking closed minded dipshits who aren't Opeth fans anymore because they are the biggest cocaine dealers in Europe ...

Grow up and stop being so morally centered .... people do drugs.
Moonlapse said:
Wars, you took it a bit too seriously. 'twas pretty obvious he was taking the piss.
I FUCKING KNOW GODDAMNIT!!!... I was just using what he said to make my point because I knew some people who are reading this are actually thinking what he was writting ... I was just supporting his side of the argument .. I know all about apocalyptic's view on drugs he he he he ...
I wish the guy all the best! Man, get better soon!

I suffer from an Anxiety Dissorder with all the shit symptoms such as Panick Attacks, Derepsonalisation/Derealisation, Depression and then quiet a few phisical symphtoms. It sucks so much, I've had it for a year... it's hard... . And personally, I saw the 'warning signs' of this when I was doing some weed and other heavier drugs - but at that time I didn't know what it was... then heavy stress (personal problems) pushed me over the egde... and there I suffer...

drugs are bad, be it weed or what not, it does have negative effects... so what if your mate or his mates mate blah blah is doing weed almost everyday and is fine... next morning he/she could be in deep shit... or next week... or mauybe never, then they are lucky. (not attacking anyone, didn't read all the replies)

Just my 2cents.
golgotha85 said:
I feel like a bit of an idiot now. I take back my Sunday school comment. DXM is my favourite, by the way.
I used to dex all the time. Within 4 months i dexed over 70 times. Dont use coricidin, because that shit is horrible. Robo is the best you can get from the stores, but if you can get the powder extract do that, because its extremly potent and feels cleaner than other kinds of dexs. I had an intense 4th platue from the powder, and i took what i thought was a relativily small dosage. It was deffinatly more potent than 2 bottles of robo, or 20 coricidin. But i was a friedfuck from all the coricidin i used to do and that was shittyshittyshitshit. Im more into psychadelics now, but i will proabaly decide to get one more 4th platue during spring break. and i just bought some shitty acid yesterday :cool: :Spin: :Smug: :) :p and it didnt do anything :) :cool: :tickled: so i thought that was awesome. boohoo