I don't think Jesper can return and here's why.....


Jan 10, 2008
St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
When you're in treatment, one of the MAIN things they force is that if you want to stay sober, you ABSOLUTELY CANNOT be around others who are drinking. They tell you not to hang around your drinking friends EVER AT ALL. The other members of In Flames ALL DRINK so if Jesper returns to the band, he'll be around all of that and I highly doubt that all 4 other members will completely stop drinking around him which would be the only way for him to avoid the temptation to start drinking again. Well, the very best of luck to him anyway!
When you're in treatment, one of the MAIN things they force is that if you want to stay sober, you ABSOLUTELY CANNOT be around others who are drinking. They tell you not to hang around your drinking friends EVER AT ALL. The other members of In Flames ALL DRINK so if Jesper returns to the band, he'll be around all of that and I highly doubt that all 4 other members will completely stop drinking around him which would be the only way for him to avoid the temptation to start drinking again. Well, the very best of luck to him anyway!
Trust me, he'll be fine.
I think more than the addiction was the alcoholism.

As in his body was hurting him because it depended on alcohol, so if he quit, it would tear him apart.
I'll quit listening to in flames if that happens.
Well DOH! The band will split if any member wants to quit, so will they as a band. They've already said it. No replacement of a band member.
I doubt this is even close to the first time that a member of a band ahs gone sober and still toured with a bunch of drunkards.
They all need to put down the booze really. It effects performance.
They all need to put down the booze really. It effects performance.

Yep. They were all wasted when they headlined Bloodstock a couple of years back and they were fucking awful. I was embarrassed for them, though the people around me were just ecstatic that they played Take This Life :rolleyes:
I was embarrassed for them, though the people around me were just ecstatic that they played Take This Life :rolleyes:

I can understand that, but fuck "Take This Life" is by far one of the worst songs they have ever made. And I like the new stuff...

On topic: I think Jesper will make it, hes one awsome dude.
Two of the guys next to me were 16.... they were pretty cool, but all they were asking me was "do you think they'll play the quiet place?" "do you think they'll play come clarity?" "what about take this life?!?!" I said I was hoping they'd play some Jester Race shit and neither of them knew what The Jester Race was. :(
Two of the guys next to me were 16.... they were pretty cool, but all they were asking me was "do you think they'll play the quiet place?" "do you think they'll play come clarity?" "what about take this life?!?!" I said I was hoping they'd play some Jester Race shit and neither of them knew what The Jester Race was. :(
Your point being? I don't see what you are trying to prove.
Obviously they aren't as into melo death as you are, and probably are new fans of In Flames and maybe metal in general. Not anything wrong with Liking Come Clarity, Take This Life & The Quiet Place.
And it's nothing wrong with liking The Jester Race either. Everyone has different music tastes, and as In Flames sound has been so different throughout their career, it's not weird people enjoy different albums.
I really don't see the point you are trying to convey, that In Flames newer stuff sucks, that they were posers for only liking their newer material or not even knowing of all their albums? Either way, it's nothing wrong about it.
When you discover a band, you 99% of the time discover them by recent albums and work your way back in the catalogue. And ofcourse songs like Take This Life, Quiet Place is much more appealing to people that aren't used to Dead Eternity or Episode 666 because the difference of vocals. I don't see why you even would get angry of something like this..just ridiculous.
Man, you've got issues. Don't take things written on the internet so seriously.

Edit: And you actually took my post completely out of context, lol. Point out where I said there's anything wrong with liking CC, TTL or TQP? Point out where I said it's weird that people enjoy different albums? Point out where I say In Flames newer stuff sucks? etc etc.

IF you're going to take internet arguing seriously don't make wild accusations without any substance.
Man, you've got issues. Don't take things written on the internet so seriously.

Edit: And you actually took my post completely out of context, lol. Point out where I said there's anything wrong with liking CC, TTL or TQP? Point out where I said it's weird that people enjoy different albums? Point out where I say In Flames newer stuff sucks? etc etc.

IF you're going to take internet arguing seriously don't make wild accusations without any substance.
You actually took my post completely out of context, I never said you said there was anything wrong with CC TTL or TQP, I asked what you your point was. Read again..
And the post you wrote kind of implied that you think that it's pathetic that they only know the most popular songs = new ones.
And who said I was serious? :)
You actually took my post completely out of context, I never said you said there was anything wrong with CC TTL or TQP, I asked what you your point was. Read again..

Not anything wrong with Liking Come Clarity, Take This Life & The Quiet Place.
And it's nothing wrong with liking The Jester Race either. Everyone has different music tastes, and as In Flames sound has been so different throughout their career, it's not weird people enjoy different albums.

Surely by saying "not anything wrong" the implication is that I think there is something wrong with it? Or did you write that (having quoted me directly) for no reason?

And the post you wrote kind of implied that you think that it's pathetic that they only know the most popular songs = new ones.

I certainly didn't imply that. It was a sad face, surely that implies sadness that newer fans don't know the older songs, rather than it being pathetic? I think you assumed that.
SIGH! This is what I wrote, and it clearly says that I'm asking what your point with your story was, not implying that you think new In Flames suck..READ!!!!
I really don't see the point you are trying to convey, that In Flames newer stuff sucks, that they were posers for only liking their newer material or not even knowing of all their albums? Either way, it's nothing wrong about it.

I certainly didn't imply that. It was a sad face, surely that implies sadness that newer fans don't know the older songs, rather than it being pathetic? I think you assumed that.
Yes. But too me, it looked like what other people implies on when they write like that which is that they are posers or whatever. And if you read what you said..It does look like you imply on something like that, why would you do a sadface anyways just because they don't like their older stuff/don't know their older stuff if you aren't implying on anything like that?
Your post basically says that you got irritated on them chanting for the newer stuff rather than the old.
Not really, the only thing my post says is that I'm disappointed they don't know any of the old stuff. It doesn't imply I think it's pathetic or that I think the new stuff sucks (which you did suggest I meant, whether you realise it or not).

Anyway, I'm bored discussing this now. Think whatever you want.
Not really, the only thing my post says is that I'm disappointed they don't know any of the old stuff. It doesn't imply I think it's pathetic or that I think the new stuff sucks (which you did suggest I meant, whether you realise it or not).

Anyway, I'm bored discussing this now. Think whatever you want.
Yes I know you like new stuff too, I've seen your other posts..but this one was like ''went to if you know and these small retard kids didnt know pre-colony existed..fucking posers'' that's what it sounded like. Now lets end this discussion