I don't want Symphony X for the last slot


METAL... nuff said!
No really... I don't!

CALM DOWN, calm down.

I don't want them playing Prog Power this year, simply because I've got some really really high hopes for their next release and the success and praise they got from their Gigantour performance. I know that PP4 was such a wickedawesome show. It was so cool to get a long, personal, perfected setlist and to see them with an audience that was 100% dying to see them. But I'm really hoping that instead of one American performance for a dedicated crowd, that they can get a great push and join a couple other really good bands for a whole tour, and KICK THIS COUNTRY'S ASS. Like seeing them tour with Angra or Kamelot or even Opeth or Evergrey. Let the last slot bring another band that everyone is dying to see, and let SymX take their new album across America.

Don't get me wrong. If they played this year, I'd be geeked as all get out to see them on the best stage in America again! They're long overdue to make a return to Atlanta. I'd most certainly be on the rail, dead center, and Swordlord and I would have the time of our lives. (props to my Vision Divine mindblowing freakout partner!) But it'd be so much more impressive to hear that they get a full-blown tour this spring/summer, and get to show the whole nation what they're aboot. Gawd knows they deserve it.

Who knows? Perhaps they could use the festival to launch a tour like Epica did before jumping on the road with Kamelot. We all know how BADASS that was!

Am I wrong to think this? Is it wrong to pass up a 2-hour, intimate, perfect show with a perfect crowd, to give a band a chance to play dozens of 45-minute shows across the country?
I agree with Bryan316. I'd rather see someone else in the last spot...a cool surprise perhaps. It does seem like SymX should get on a bigger tour, not to say that they couldn't do BOTH...but given a choice I would choose not to have them at PP.
I'm of two minds about it. If the #5 spot was actually to go to someone I wanted to see, than I'd prefer that to SX. Since I'm from NJ (45 mins from both NYC and Philly, I get to see SX fairly frequently). However, I'm almost never a fan of the headlining bands. So, chances are, when the headliner is finally announced, odds are I'll be disappointed it's not SX.

Symphony X isn't playing, and here's why:

Pagan's Mind
Vanden Plas
Freak Kitchen

Five repeat bands this year. I'm thinking that the headliner HAS to be someone new.
When I saw title at first I was ready to disagree with you, but after reading your post, if they do get to tour and make it down to South FL (they canceled last time), then I'd be fine with them not playing PPVIII. They do deserve a big NA tour! And NA deserves a Symphony X tour! Good point Bryan!
Symphony X isn't playing, and here's why:

Pagan's Mind
Vanden Plas
Freak Kitchen

Five repeat bands this year. I'm thinking that the headliner HAS to be someone new.

Well, Freak Kitchen really doesn't count. The showcase is a seperate event and isn't booked by Glenn. Your point has much merit anyway, and I agree that someone new would be better.
Symphony X isn't playing, and here's why:

Pagan's Mind
Vanden Plas
Freak Kitchen

Five repeat bands this year. I'm thinking that the headliner HAS to be someone new.
While I'd agree that SX probably isn't playing this year, I'd base that more on Glenn's clues than on the number of repeats. For starters, there's only three repeats at the festival this year, none of which have been here since 2003. Regardless, at one point Glenn mentioned the possibility that at least half the bands would be repeats.

The only way I would NOT want SymphX for 8 is if they HEADLINE a NA tour. If they are the opening act (a half hour set? what is that, like 4 songs??? Fuck ME) on a national tour, it will be a huge disappointment.

That said, I am pretty sure they will not be at 8 because of my interpretation of the clues Glenn has already dropped. Which is ok because I think the current lineup kicks heavy duty ass.
I would rather see them in a different setting. They have already played this festival enough. I did enjoy their performance a few years ago, but the sound was really off when they played. Strange as it sounds, but it was too loud.
Well, at least y'all understand my logic, that I want them to have some crazy success by getting a tour.

But I couldn't see Sym X enough times to catch everything these guys play! They could headline the Showcase and Friday And Saturday and Russell do karaoke all night Wednesday! I'ma be there!!!
Well, at least y'all understand my logic, that I want them to have some crazy success by getting a tour.

But I couldn't see Sym X enough times to catch everything these guys play! They could headline the Showcase and Friday And Saturday and Russell do karaoke all night Wednesday! I'ma be there!!!

I respect your points man, i really do. this is a good thread
While I respect what those above have said in regards to the matter
I must disagree. Because I have never gotten to See Symphony X or attend progpower and if I got to do ether one I would freak, but if I get both I would go tottally nuts! It would be wicked cool. I have always wanted to do both of these. Closest thing I had was a phone call from a few of the band members a few years ago.