i feel some flaming coming on


Sep 2, 2003
planet thanet.uk.
i know they are certainly not old school,and some may not even consider them metal,but has anyone heard stereomud?i was given a copy of thier first album by the bass player in my band,and it fucking rules.its the guitarist from life of agony and his new boys.the singing is great,really catchy songs.
anyone else heard them,or have an opinion?or just want to flame me for liking something a bit "nu"?go ahead,i'm a big bald bastard,i can take it! :D
Stereomud was okay, I found them to sound like a modernized Soundgarden.
It has some of the members of Stuck Mojo, a metal band from Atlanta, I think.
They put out their second disc & it tanked & they spilt up.
It's cool that you liked them, just goes to show that there's an audience for
any kind of stuff.
I've never heard Stereomud before but I'll flame you anyways.

Blady Like Stereomud
Stereomud is gay.
Therefore Baldy is gay.

sixxswine said:
Stereomud was okay, I found them to sound like a modernized Soundgarden.
It has some of the members of Stuck Mojo, a metal band from Atlanta, I think.
They put out their second disc & it tanked & they spilt up.
It's cool that you liked them, just goes to show that there's an audience for
any kind of stuff.

didnt even know there were guys from stuck mojo in there-i quite liked the stuff of thiers i've heard.
not sure how to take that last line though sixx. :D