I FINALLY got Oblivion...

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
Had to wait until I visited the states because I wanted to make sure it was in English so I didn't buy it here.

Holy fuck...talk about a drug. The hamster in my computer isn't so fast so I had to turn the graphics way down and it's still phenomenal. I've gone to bed at 5 am the past two nights and had to be at work by nine...didn't care. It's so awesome. I lucked out and got the Game of the Year edition with the other two expansions...greatest RPG evaarrrr.
It's fun, but you'll run out of things to do. And you'll get really tired of escaping from that prison with each new character.

But if you ever do the Dark Brotherhood quests, you'll enjoy the hell out of breaking back into that prison to silence that Dunmer who taunts you at the beginning.
Holy fuck that sounds awesome. I turned down the Dark Brotherhood on my main character...I'm a Morag Tong kinda guy. I don't know anything, but I hope the Morag Tong is in this one as well. I'll make a new one and do the DB quests as well.
yeah i loved the knights of the nine expansion, shivering ilse was cool but disappointing at the end, *spoilers* when i found out i was king or whatever i flipped out but you couldn't do JACK SHIT *end spoilers*

i never tried dark brotherhood, theives guild was cool and theres some really cool mods for the game, the cape mod was cool especially if they ever get Havoc engine on the cape to make it sway. the bar fight mod is fun as shit because they don't die and you can get into some pretty kick ass fights.
Oh Dead Winter you gotta do the dark brotherhood. There is no Morag Tong in Oblivion sadly, but Dark Brotherhood was by far the best part of the game. Nothing else came close. And it had two really awesome yet frustrating plot twist.
haha i put that game on my pc like 4 months ago and played for 20 mins. its just wayyyyyyyyyyyy too big. i like these kinds of games really, but i just dont have time. im having a hard time finding any time whatsoever to play mass effect
I've really gotta get Daggerfall...you keep going on and on about it. It sounds amazing.
It is amazing. And I do keep going on and on about it, I just noticed :D

Wonder if Daggerfall will even run on a modern computer. It's written for DOS and dates back to 96
Use DosBox.

I really want to play it but I can't figure out how to make the DOS box thing work.
Yeah, it's a bit of a pain, but I got it to work eventually. My old PC ran it without even using dosbox, so yours might too?
Stormo I didn't mean that in a negative way, hehe. I just meant that you have always raved about it, and you have really good taste in RPGs so it just makes me wanna try it :).

I'd say my favorite RPGs are Zelda: A Link to the Past on SNES, THE FIRST BLOOD OMEN (holy hell that was an awesome game), FF7, Chrono Cross (haven't played Chrono Trigger, I hear it's even better), Morrowind, Oblivion, the Diablos even though they're hack and slash, and one of the most innovative games, DragonRealms. It was a text-based RPG that was really cool actually. I love WoW, but it's online so I don't consider it an RPG.

Overall, I'd say Oblivion has sucked me into it more than any other game, though.