I found an Opeth Tshirt!


May 16, 2004
Orlando, Florida USA
At my mall! And considering I live in preppie land, I just about creamed myself.

To heighten the good fortune, it was a plain Opeth shirt - That is it had the Opeth logo on the front, and the band picture on the back.

And the best part is - it was a medium.

Needless to say, I threw it on over my Katatonia Sounds of Decay shirt [muhahaha!!!] after purchasing it for $20 USD.

I have just won \m/
Nah, I think it's the real thing... It was stacked in between a Still Life tshirt and a Deliverance tshirt. and they sell the one I bought in the back of magazines... such as revolver.
I got one from my friend this chrismas.It was a great still life t shirt with logo on the (front) and the inner sleeve photos (back).But it was too big for me.The t shirt was Xl size, and my size is medium.It so anoying all Opeth shirts are in big sizes.I bet not all Opeth fans are 2 meters tall.. :loco:
NineFeetUnderground said:
thats cool. i wonder if its a bootleg though...its quite rare to find non-tour merch in size "medium". either way though, lucky find! :)

Yea, I've seen quite a few shitty bootleg Opeth shirts on ebay you can get them in any size but the logo looks slightly different, which is annoying
yeah i usually wear size small or medium, and it is a real pain trying to find band shirts (especially opeth!) in these sizes. even the mediums i've bought at opeth shows are pretty big, so i'm really looking for a small one... if i could find one at the hot topic in my mall i'd do a backflip :grin:
That's weird. Last week I actually dreamed that I found an Opeth shirt at my mall. It said Opeth on it and also said My Arms, Your Hearse as well as having some kind of art on it. I probably never would have remembered that if I didnt see this thread. Like woah de ja vu.
I saw a Blackwater Park shirt at Hot Topic the other day, and in my blind rage I was forced to strangle a random kid in an Atreyu hoodie who happened to be standing next to me.

That made it a little better, but I'm still gonna hafta blow the motherfucker up... :heh:
I just found...the best fucking shirt ever.

The Grimace said:
I saw a Blackwater Park shirt at Hot Topic the other day, and in my blind rage I was forced to strangle a random kid in an Atreyu hoodie who happened to be standing next to me.

That made it a little better, but I'm still gonna hafta blow the motherfucker up... :heh:
Surprise: Opeth aren't that underground
Congrats for that.
As for me, I have to sew my t-shirts and if I have the patience I paint them too.
recently I made the Opeth logo, nothing else.
Pretty cute indeed. I rule!
\m/ :kickass:
