I got called to audition for a touring band...

This is actually fun, seeing who knows and who's purely guessing. It's not really a huge secret who it is, but I'm just keeping from directly linking to them until they make their decision who they are going to go with. Not that I expect people to bombard them with good words on my behalf, or bad ones for that matter. I'm just leaving them be to do their thing, while still expressing my excitement in the matter. How could I not say anything at all? I'm stoked.
...whom I won't say, at least not yet.

Saturday, I got the phone call from the band leader. We've played with these guys a handful of times, so he and I have a good rapport. He was asking me about how ticket sales and promo was going for a show we have coming up with them...then he says "so, I wanted to see if you'd be interested in auditioning for us." We talked about this for a while. It's still a position I have to try out for, but he said there were 4-5 other guys on their list and that I was near the top for him...just need to see if it's something they are all cool with.

I had to call my wife, who was out of town at the time, to see what she thought of it and she said I'd be stupid not to do it...having that level of support is really awesome.

I'll jam with them before the show on Thursday, see how they feel about it. If they like that, I might play with them that night and the night afterwards. If they like where it goes from there, maybe I'll finish the tour with them....maybe I'll have to wait until they finish the tour after July 4 and have some time to think about who they want: who knows?

I'll throw a bone here: they frequently tour with Slayer, are sponsored by Jagermeister, and just got done touring with Korn (keep it to yourself though if you figure it out, until I say who. :D). I'm pretty excited that they actually called me and asked me to audition for them, though. It's not like an all-open thing with everyone in the country applying for it. Pretty cool. I'm busting my ass to learn as much of their stuff as I can before Thursday.

Fuckin' a! Congrats, man, AWESOME news if I've ever heard it!

And yeah, I do recall that thread a little while back about you complaining about your current band efforts/members not being quite up to par.. So this should be a HELLUVA break for you!

Good luck, man!
If it's the band I am thinking of , they have about 40,000 myspace friends and their myspace page looks like it was designed by a 5 year old who just discovered Photoshop
If it's the band I am thinking of , they have about 40,000 myspace friends and their myspace page looks like it was designed by a 5 year old who just discovered Photoshop
...and tour(or have toured) regularly with bands like Lamb Of God, Hatebreed, Soulfly, Otep, Slipknot, Snot, Coal Chamber, Obituary, Drowning Pool, Hed PE, Chimaira, Meshuggah, Korn, Ministry, Mastodon, Killswitch Engage and Slayer.

Seems to me a myspace page layout isn't everything, huh? lol