I got called to audition for a touring band...

Awesome dude! I'm glad you're digging it so far. Keep in mind that the main thing they're probably looking at is how you click with the other members and stuff. Your musical abilities are probably about 8% of what they're really paying attention to. They probably want to make sure you're not an asshole, but also that you're a fun, interesting guy, and that you work hard. I've played a show with them once probably 5 or 6 years ago, and saw them with meshuggah about 1 year ago, and they are definitely a hardworking bunch of guys with a ton of passion. Really great D.I.Y. attitude. Very respectable.
Ok...I went out on tour with them for 2 consecutive weekends. I saved a few days of the tour because of bus issues (compressor went out on the air brakes) by picking the band up and driving with them to the shows...having to borrow backline from other bands on the bill...until the bus was fixed enough to drive and meet us at the last show (Ft. Collins, CO).

Hemlock called me about an hour ago to go out on the next tour with them. I'll need to leave tomorrow night to drive to Iowa (17hrs, estimated) to meet with them by Tuesday. First show is Wednesday in Peoria, IL. It will last 5 weeks for this run, assuming nothing else gets set up while we are on the road. This will include the aforementioned show on the Mayhem tour with Korn/L.O.G./5FDP/Zombie/etc. Still have 100% support from my wife, just gotta get my shit correct in the next 24hrs to get on the road.
Thanks for the update, that's amazing! Sound like things are working out well with you and the guys. And I think it's incredible your wife is 100% supportive, that must be a huge boost for you. Hell my wife practically served me with papers for leaving for 4 days for a 3-day gig ;)

Good luck with the next leg!
Caught this one a bit late, but congrats mate. Sounds like some great and potentially life changing news. I hope you're able to make steady work of playing with these guys and create some good memories for yourself.