WOO! You know, I always figured the remasters would sound pretty much the same, but Burnt Offerings sounds amazing! I dont really like Burnt Offerings apart from Last December and Dantes, so its a bit of a revelation 
So there Kem, you dont have to yell at me for being insane anymore. Well not for the reason of not seeing the big deal about Burnt Offerings.
You know how that "Youll see the things I see" bit in BO the song sounds a bit crap? Its way different now and I am happy.
The other remasters sound great as well, but no amount of tinkering is going to fix that bastard that sang on the first record. He is so bad. So very bad.
I also got these......... (kindly reprinted with permission from Spawnys journal, thanks Spawny)
Whitesnake: Slip Of The Tongue
Rhapsody: Rain Of A Thousand Flames (Im not usually a big fan of power metal but this one had a cool album cover and great song names, so I bought it)
Angra: Rebirth
Testament: Low
Yay for me, I finally got Low as well!
Yes Im fully aware that I could have posted this in the DG at Utopia thread, but you know me, I like to be different
Anyways, i'm very happy indeed, so please leave a smiley of your choice in honour of my current euphoric state
P.S. Also go buy Dark Genesis. Best $120 I ever spent

So there Kem, you dont have to yell at me for being insane anymore. Well not for the reason of not seeing the big deal about Burnt Offerings.
You know how that "Youll see the things I see" bit in BO the song sounds a bit crap? Its way different now and I am happy.
The other remasters sound great as well, but no amount of tinkering is going to fix that bastard that sang on the first record. He is so bad. So very bad.
I also got these......... (kindly reprinted with permission from Spawnys journal, thanks Spawny)
Whitesnake: Slip Of The Tongue
Rhapsody: Rain Of A Thousand Flames (Im not usually a big fan of power metal but this one had a cool album cover and great song names, so I bought it)
Angra: Rebirth
Testament: Low
Yay for me, I finally got Low as well!
Yes Im fully aware that I could have posted this in the DG at Utopia thread, but you know me, I like to be different

Anyways, i'm very happy indeed, so please leave a smiley of your choice in honour of my current euphoric state

P.S. Also go buy Dark Genesis. Best $120 I ever spent