I Hate to say it but I think I'm growing weary of bodom...

Same thing happened to me with Metallica and old version GnR, I havent played one of their songs on itunes for the past two years,doesn't mean I like them any less,they're both way up near top in my fav bands and that's not going to change anytime soon. I actually still cant listen to Enter Sandman, One or any of the Load/Appetite albums cause I know I'm on the brink of getting severly sick of them even after all this time..:erk:

I think its just a mark of how much you respect the bands in that if you feel by listening to them more moderately, or you feel like reliving memories that their particular songs capture for you,it makes your love for the band/music more longterm than it would, in your case, by just listening to the band constantly. The songs have a definite meaning for you and bring you back to specific moments and feelings in your life,I think you should just listen in moderation if you want to keep the associations and the nostalgia,some summers,if your in the mood :) But you could also just get a feeling for some new stuff and not blast bodom just for the sake of it because its a 'tradition'. If you feel like you have to listen to them and guilt yourself into it, its not enjoyable. New music might help you create some new memories and then you can always keep the old ones bodom bring back enjoyable :) I hope I make sense here,I get the feeling I'm rambling a bit :lol:

I do listen to Bodom quite a lot everyday but my itunes has such varied stuff on it, from All Saints to Cradle of Filth,which are put on shuffle everytime I turn on the pc,that I never loose interest in cob. If your getting sick of Bodom switch up your music for a bit and just keep cob for special occassions,works for me :)
^Are you referring to marfal? :lol:

Thats cuz this band has gone from classic..to a joke...Are you Dead Yet? and Bloodrunk are 2 of the worst pieces of crap I've ever heard : )...no joke

I used to love this band and would consider them a top band of the genre..but between those 2 albums I have lost all interest.

Based on what?

IMO they never really sounded like Yngwie. Only a few runs on Something Wild did sound somewhat like him.

I still love them, but the LoG'ish influence on Blooddrunk is not to my likings.

That being said, there's still great moments on Blooddrunk.


Easy to understand why you don't like BD if you don't like that kind of thrashy/LOG/whatever influences, but you acn recognise it has cool stuff and, the most important thing, you don't go ''I don't like it=piece of shit''.

It's that feeling when you listen to too much of the band. Take a break off them, for a while, then come back and listen to them. It's a nice feeling after that :D

So true :D

I just used to love these guys and it seems there taking the same route as In Flames..and Imo AYDY and BD are all worse then Come Clarity and Sense of Purpose. Just my opinion.

I couldn't praise Something wild through HCDR more..I love all those albums


Why must EVERY thread end in the new vs. old bodom discussion?


So I can then praise you for bringing a lil bit of common sense and have a support :lol:
IMO, both sides of the whole "old Bodom vs new Bodom" debate need to shut the fuck up.

I enjoy BD (and AYDY to an extent), but I'm not gonna constantly jump the fuck down people's throats for considering the two albums to be crap. Jesus titty-fucking lap-dancing christ.
that's a pretty naive statement.
of course their style has changed
Listen to other bands as well. Then again, I ain't a fan of the new album. AYDY was ok but the new one is ... not bad! Maybe it is because I've been listening to Hatebreeder and Follow the reaper lately or maybe it's just me!
Bands change and change usually is good. I prefer the old Bodom (upto HCDR) I tried the newer stuff but couldn't get into it. I know they are talented people and can make better music. It's weird though to go from complete ass kicking music to so something that isn't but its not like A7 or Atreyu or some shit.
IMO, both sides of the whole "old Bodom vs new Bodom" debate need to shut the fuck up.

I enjoy BD (and AYDY to an extent), but I'm not gonna constantly jump the fuck down people's throats for considering the two albums to be crap. Jesus titty-fucking lap-dancing christ.
Wow, I agree, Butt. Good post. :kickass:
Bodom is my favorite band (along with Andrew W.K.) and ever since the summer of 03 or 04 (cant remember) i have been listening to them through each summer as a tradition sort of thing which is why i think there sound has stuck with me for so long without me growing tired of it quick. But after this past summer even with the addition of there new album, I realized that I was tired of them and didnt listen to them as much and i just couldnt enjoy it like i used to... Is this normal? am i listening to them in the wrong amount of intervals or something? I dont want to let go of them as my favorite band because of the many good memories of each summer they bring back. Does anyone know if this just happens or am I overdoing it with the whole summer thing. Give me some input please.

People grow up, taste change. I personally think this is the best album they have ever done. And that is not just speaking as an crew guy. This album is the shit, and normally I hate all music.

BD is ok, it is hard, it has some great riffs and two great songs but AYDY is definitely better.
Look at Metallicas new album. THIS is really shit! THIS is a band where you can definitely say that the old Metallica was definitely better than the new Metallica. Same with In Flames but not Bodom!
Yeah well..Im sure hardcore tallica fans might have different opinions on the matter, Load is probably one of my fav albums but yeah I see where your coming from, I just cannot get into death magnetic at all :( Old Tallica RTL,MOP is epic though. Seems Bodom have a knack of consistently putting out kickass riffage, and awesome melodies though. Their new stuff is still miles ahead of every other album I own by a different band.
Alright now that you brought up Metallica into the mix... I can’t resist. It really is a simple analogy when you think about it.

Kill Em All = Something Wild
Lightning = Hatebreeder
Puppets = FTR
Black = Hatecrew Deathroll
Load/Reload = AYDY
Death Magnetic = Blooddrunk

It’s the same progression and the same quality. 'Tallica started out Thrash and adopted a different style around Justice/Black same with bodom and the neoclassical style and the change around Hatecrew. It all comes down to what the band does best and well that should be obvious...:Smug:

Death Magnetic is actually pretty damn good once it sinks in same with Blooddrunk.