I hate to say this but

Izzy Junior

Aug 27, 2002
God damn a lot of Opeth fans are annoying. My main problem? Tonight, everyone kept shouting what song they wanted the band to play. It's like they've never been to a concert before. Newsflash: Opeth, nor any band, will change their setlist just because some random person decides to shout out what their favorite song is.

Anyway, it was a good show other than that.
Originally posted by Izzy Junior
God damn a lot of Opeth fans are annoying. My main problem? Tonight, everyone kept shouting what song they wanted the band to play. It's like they've never been to a concert before. Newsflash: Opeth, nor any band, will change their setlist just because some random person decides to shout out what their favorite song is.

Anyway, it was a good show other than that.

I've been to shows where that actually worked...but only for certain bands. I agree, though...it's pretty damn annoying.
Originally posted by Nugent Goes AOL
I've been to shows where that actually worked...but only for certain bands. I agree, though...it's pretty damn annoying.

Yeah I could imagine for smaller bands or bands that just don't give a fuck or have more time than they need, that it'd work. But, damn, this is Opeth! They probably had to rehearse these songs and these songs alone for months just to make sure they didnt fuck up.

And I noticed Peter fucked up a few parts in one song. I forget which song but it was a clean part and one of the notes always came out half-dead, heh. Thats why I never try to use chords with obscure finger positions, hehe.
So, Izzy, did you think that that Tapping the Vein chick was a little... mouthy? And how cool was her little story about doing shots with Slayer?

Originally posted by Elysian Blaze
So, Izzy, did you think that that Tapping the Vein chick was a little... mouthy? And how cool was her little story about doing shots with Slayer?


She was a bitch. When someone shouted Slayer she said "We're a little different from Slayer" so I said "Yeah, you're gay and Slayer's not!" hah. She was fucking annoying, and that band sucked ass (so did Brave). I'll give that old hag credit though, she knew how to deal with hecklers.

By the way to anyone else going to see this tour: The opening bands sucked, so don't go early. I didn't like Paradise Lost though and I'm sure a lot of you do, but Tapping the Vein was definitely horrible.
I'm gonna post my little review of the show here real quick as well. If you don't know those mentioned (Some of you do.I'm R.lee by the way, emperor hoodie, long hair that went short when I took it off :p with the loud group between Peter and Mikael) just ignore it. Less of a review and more of a rant but peruse it at your will. I'm going to bed, just had to get this out while it's all fresh. (Was originally sent out over a local message board).

Excuse the obscenities, they are not my norm at all but they are well-fitting to what I'm about to post.

I suppose I'll sate your curiosity first. I hate cunts. This isn't going to be my normal, almost poetic like review format. I'm tired, I'm hungry, I'm angry and I nearly died tonight.

Opeth, Jaxx Night Club, filled to capacity. And a fucking cunt with her elbow in my solar plexus. Anyone been in a flesh-wall at a death metal concert? You get compacted. SMASHED> Know what happens when there's a pointy NUB in your gut when you get smashed? You can't intake air. God fucking bless Opeth for having the love they do for clean parts, if they didn't the crowd would never have stopped pressing forward and bouncing and I wouldn't have gotten air. I passed out twice during Leper Affinity, Once during Advent that I know of and atleast 3 other times throughout the night. BLoody oxygen. And god forbid I ask the little cuntrag in her old navy performance fleece to kindly move her elbow out of the "instant kill" position. The final straw was during Deliverance, which is..hmm, CHino...10 minutes? And very heavy. Was about the 9th time I'd asked her to move her elbow, I'm a pacifist and I'd rather find a work around then be hostile.

Guess who was too inconvenienced to rest her bloody arms by her side?

I don't know if you were paying any attention to what happened Chino but during Deliverance I turned blue and probably wouldn't have had a very happy rest of the night. Chris and Jared got me in time. And I did something completely against everything I believe in. I turned, said excused me and backhanded the girl twice in the face. Hard. Made her bleed. Didn't have too much trouble after that.

Know what else is inconsiderate? Wearing a fucking spiked belt at a concert. How lovely it is to have one of those dig into your spine for an hour and 124 minutes.


The review.

Standing in the cold sucks...Opeth doesn't. It was worth it, I suppose. The Slotnick Mobile's great plan of leaving at 2:30 to get super great spots for us failed miserably. Guess who pulled in as we did at 6:05? Mmmhmm. Got lost in bum-fuck virginia. Well, we get in and it was a pleasant experience hearing Brave again. Excellent band, excellent vocalist and violinist. R.Lee smiled.

Then tapping the vein hit the stage. And was ridiculed and blasted. I enjoyed them, live they seem kinda ambient and I got a kick out of it. Her attitude was stellar, same response to the assholes I have "Who the fuck's on stage? Yeah? Until you are shut your bloody mouth". She was also ill. I'd put up with even less crap from meat-head, beer drinking, washed up 80's thrashers if I was sick. I yelled at the end to "feel better" and atleast got a smile out of her.

Hmmm. SO we syand, and stand and wait....then! We stand. Hmm...Paradise Lost. I was like "A-woo, got some good doom metal going on now. ONe of the real katatonia contenders a long while ago." And now they sound like a lincoln park/rammstein hybrid. The first song they played was old, and I rejoiced. Boy did I rejoice. The second song was VERY Rammstein, I rejoiced as well, just not as much, though I liked it alot. Then whatever they did on this last album came out of the Billy Idol-look-a-like's mouth and my jaw dropped. How such a stellar band became such boring, droning, repetive CRAP is beyond me. Stick to playing the old stuff, for god's sake. Yeah, you cut the nasal-ultra-soprano and rapping but you also cut the doom metal sound and replaced it with a (I hate using this term) bloody nu metal one. Without the doom foundation around it your just whining...for 50 FUCKING minutes. Lacuna Coil, I'd like to smack your agent for not being able to get you overseas. Letting these guys ruin my good opinion of them AND angering me to the point of very loud and odd frustrated noises. "This is our last song" "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, FINALLY!" And my spirits lifted. Until they played THREE MORE SONGS!!! GOD! I gues it was a "we're "done" clap and yell our named and we'll do our already scheduled encore...Oh, noones clapping, chanting or doing anything but glaring. KEEP PLAYING BOYS! THREE MORE OF THE SAME'S just *GOTTA* WIN 'EM OVER!" Damn Brits. At the end this kid was like "PLAY SOME MORE!" and I turned around and went "GOD NO!" And he looked hurt. Now we see which band all the spikey haired, chains and wallets, "witty" anti-social comment t-shirt wearing folk came to see. Blech.

I will spare you the rehashing of my opening paragraph to tell you about Opeth's set and say one thing: WHat I was fucking concious for was stellar. They played everything perfectly. The 4 songs I remember VERY clearly were The Drapery Falls (I made myself stay concious and fighting for that one because it's very special to the person i was with) (not chino), Godheads Lament (was enxt and is my favorite Opeth tune), Bleak (later on, my second favorite Opeth tune) and Demon of the Fall, the encore which is the one Opeth song I know vocally like the back of my hand. I adire what I saw of the set. Dspite nearly dying I had a good time. Had friends, food, gwen and Opeth. Incorprate shrooms into the equation and you'd have my heaven.
Oh God. Just read all my typos and everything. Jesus. I'm going to bed, excuse the 4th grade writing-style dumped on me by exhaustion.

And on a side note: Damn that 7-11 by JAxx gets alot of business after shows. Were any of you guys the kid in the Terria tshirt?
Hmm....Brave I liked. They're talented and a good opening act. NOthing to ever see as a headliner but *shrugs* Eh. Shoulda got Monolith. One thing about Brave, though...Woulda definately enjoyed hearing them in place of Paradise Lost. More like Dignity Lost.
haha sorry guys i did that when they played in london, when they came out for the encore i was shouting 'forest of otcober' at the top of my voice, they played demon of the fall though so that was cool:cool:
Originally posted by poptartofdeath

Yeah, you cut the nasal-ultra-soprano and rapping...

...I gues it was a "we're "done" clap and yell our named and we'll do our already scheduled encore...Oh, noones clapping, chanting or doing anything but glaring...

...Now we see which band all the spikey haired, chains and wallets, "witty" anti-social comment t-shirt wearing folk came to see. Blech....

Most of your review was honest and spot-on, but what on earth are you talking about above? Nasal ultra soprano?? Rapping?? Spikey hair and chain wallets...who the hell cares what two guys in the crowd that you decided to generalize about were wearing??

The thing I don't get about Paradise Lost haters of the new material, is that if the band wanted to succumb to popularity, they would have just put out Draconian Times sequels until the end of time...That's when they were most popular. If you hate it, that's fine, some of the new material is not nearly as strong as their older stuff. But to say that they jumped on some nu-metal bandwagon is ridiculous, because they started their new sound somewhere in late '96 when they recorded One Second.
Originally posted by Izzy Junior
God damn a lot of Opeth fans are annoying. My main problem? Tonight, everyone kept shouting what song they wanted the band to play. It's like they've never been to a concert before. Newsflash: Opeth, nor any band, will change their setlist just because some random person decides to shout out what their favorite song is.
Anyway, it was a good show other than that.

The difference between a good live band and a GREAT one is the ability to change up the setlists at will...

One reason I normally dislike concerts is if you know what the band's been playing, you know what the band will play.
"This is our last song" "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, FINALLY!" And my spirits lifted. Until they played THREE MORE SONGS!!! GOD! I gues it was a "we're "done" clap and yell our named and we'll do our already scheduled encore...Oh, noones clapping, chanting or doing anything but glaring. KEEP PLAYING BOYS! THREE MORE OF THE SAME'S just *GOTTA* WIN 'EM OVER!" Damn Brits.[/B][/QUOTE]


I know that feeling. It's called watching Hate Eternal while waiting for Arch Enemy.

Oh, and I've got a near-death experience, too, from last nite, though it wasn't actually at the concert. Coming home, I ran into a dear. I've never been so freaked in my life. It bounced, yes, bounced, off the front of my car [I was doing 50 down a back road], fucked up my left turn signal, and went its merry way. But Christ, was I spooked.

Overall, it was a good night, though.
I may be one of those old paradise lost stuff is better people, but to be honest, it wasn't the style but rather the quality of the material. The quality went downhill, I could have lived with the style, but, yeah, you know...

Paradise Lost it
Originally posted by Elysian Blaze It's called watching Hate Eternal while waiting for Arch Enemy.

A-fucking-MEN. I would have rather been ass-raped then to go through that. When I read your post I was immediately catapulted back to that moment of wanting to slit my wrists while I waited for Hate Eternal to get the HELL off the stage. I have "eternal hate" for that band. Okay enough ranting...

Thanks for the no-holds-barred review poptartofdeath. Glad you survived the mayhem:D .
Poptart, and everyone, here's some advice that you probably know now: If you're in the front row at a metal show (unless there aren't many people there), you WILL be crushed. Between all the people trying to squeeze there way a few inches closer to the band and everyone getting thrown against each other in the mosh pit, there's a lot of people pushing you forward, and then a nice steel railing stopping you. You're pinned there and you have to either deal with it or go somewhere else. Being that close up is only for the physically endurant, and I don't like it that much anymore. You have to fight to keep yourself from pushed over the railing. That chick with her elbow probably couldn't help but have her elbow there. If she had moved it I'm sure she'd probably have lost all balance. And somehow I doubt that you backhanded this girl, something like that would have made the security go apeshit, I think I'd have seen some commotion.

Anyway, I do agree though that they had too many people in there. Granted, they could all fit, but with that many people there, it's like when a bunch of people are trapped in an elevator and run out of oxygen. The air was so thin in there, it was probably at an unhealthy level. They should have a thermometer on the floor level and start up some air conditioning when it gets too hot. I had to stand in the back for most of the show because I had already stood up for about 4 hours straight, and that just tires you out man. When they played Demon of the Fall I went back up front and started a mosh pit, but I only lasted for about twenty seconds, heh. I seriously felt like if I continued in that I woulda passed out. The air quality was so poor in there. Then again, I didn't eat anything before hand so that would explain my lack of energy. Now I'll also remember to drink a LOT of water before I goto any concert so I don't get dehydrated.

Anyway, enough of my bitching. Just remember now, don't go up front unless you can deal with being pinned between a railing and all the sweaty fuckers behind you. It's fucking brutal.
Originally posted by Elysian Blaze
Overall, it was a good night, though.

Hah, I'd have to disagree. I love Opeth (though I don't like Deliverance), but they weren't worth sitting through those three god awful bands. I swear I've never been to a more boring show in my life. Opeth was the only good band, but unfortunately by the time they came on I was so sick of standing up I just wanted to sit down outside! Fuck.

Next time they tour, if they get a bunch of shitty opening acts again I'm not going. Not unless I REALLY like Damnation.
Originally posted by Jim Ansell
i've noticed that 90% of melodic metal and prog fans are total geeks.

hince to term "prog-nerd"

Jesus I noticed that too.

One thing that kinda bugged me was there was this guy I saw there that was a complete geek. I mean he'd put Bill Nye to shame. But somehow his girlfriend was probably the hottest chick there last night. I also noticed she was wearing a thong. It just makes no sense to me man. (No offense if that guy was any of you, haha)

You guys shoulda seen it though man. During Tapping the Vein there was this guy in a see through mesh shirt way in the back and he was dancing really gay-like to it. He was more entertaining to watch than the band, it was hilarious :lol:

By the way in case anyone's wondering, I was wearing a Vader shirt with a blue jacket overtop and I have shoulder-length brown hair. For most of the show I was sitting to the right of the stage next to those two steps that come down from the area where they sell the shirts, for Opeth I was standing next to the t-shirt stand. I probably saw a few of you fuckers there.