i have a treat for you all if your interested :D

Just keep in mind WHAT killed Freddy:ill:

But back on topic. I think these tracks can only serve as an example on how they sound on their own (pure Brian May Gtr tracks are interesting for sure) - I don´t think one can really set up something like a real mix with it.
I guess I'm a bit confused. What's everyone going to do with it - remix it, see how it was mixed in the first place, see how many vocals there were for curiosity sake, analyze how the vocals fall on the EQ spectrum?

I'm not being a jerk (like usual), I'm really not sure!
"You know it's funny, they say television encourages violence. I'm standing here smashing his face in, and we haven't got one!"

Gotta love Bottom :D
The studio I work in has these also... I always wondered how they got them. Yea there are a lot of bounced tracks, particularly the vocal layers...