I have been inspired!


I'm a dad now.
Feb 21, 2005
DeKalb, Illinois
While listening to my DNB album last night, trying to sleep, the words of one Warrel Dane seemed to have lit a creative flame in my head. As I was listening to Beyond Within, Warrel said "Welcome to the fall," and we all know what that means. So, as I was pondering 'Welcome to the fall' these ideas of fiction suddenly popped up in my head, giving me the basis of an interesting tale! I have deced to call my interesting story "Welcome to the fall," and don't worry, proper credit will be given for the title of the story. It fits my story so well. When I have at least one chapter written, I will post it on here, if that's what you guys wish. If not, we'll pretend this thread never happened.

and you don't have to give credit for those 4 words... they could be in anything.

I'm interested in seeing how it turns out :)
i'd love to read what you're writing!

i've actually been getting a lot of inspiration from an anthology of horror stories i'm writing right now (though it's more of the "damn, why couldn't i have written this?" deal which means whatever i write is proboly plagurism, which is lame) but haven't really been in the right frame of mind to really commit to writing anything good, which is also lame.

when i was 13 i wrote a story based on the title track of The Mirror Black by Sanctuary and i wrote a sequel to it based on the story of DNB. my plan for pretty much all of the stuff i wrote back then is to rewrite it once i actually learn how to write better/well at all ... and with those stories, if i ever get them published/expand to novel form i'd definately give credit to Warrel for the inspiration and basic plot.
dreaming neon darkspot said:
i'd love to read what you're writing!

i've actually been getting a lot of inspiration from an anthology of horror stories i'm writing right now (though it's more of the "damn, why couldn't i have written this?" deal which means whatever i write is proboly plagurism, which is lame) but haven't really been in the right frame of mind to really commit to writing anything good, which is also lame.

when i was 13 i wrote a story based on the title track of The Mirror Black by Sanctuary and i wrote a sequel to it based on the story of DNB. my plan for pretty much all of the stuff i wrote back then is to rewrite it once i actually learn how to write better/well at all ... and with those stories, if i ever get them published/expand to novel form i'd definately give credit to Warrel for the inspiration and basic plot.
Haha! Well, I've decided to do more things than the story. I forgot to mention I was inspired to write lyrics, too. It ties in with my story, but not directly. It's a 3-part saga of literature. For your enjoyment, I will post my work here. The songs are entitled "Deceived," "Diseased," and "Deceased" Imagine it like Rush's 2112 Overture. The actual songs make up one song.

Such an entity of abuse, worlds fall at your knees
The devil's in your eyes and God is at your feet
You put the knife into me, breaking more than dreams
Words are like hellfire crashing into those you meet
Do you not feel the sorrow you're creating?
Can you imagine the Hell your broken words unleash?
Your eyes are the gilded pathway to destruction,
leading all those who gaze into the devil's arms
When you speak, it's as if I hear the most beautiful sounds..
but when I expect, you become a broken record
I've become hollow, sitting inside my head all alone
You've deceived me again and again and again,
now I'm nothing more than alone and barely breathing


The darkness is bringing new light to my eyes,
I see things clearly, the way I've denied
Emptiness fills the voids life has left in me,
giving me bittersweet pleasures of reality
Closing my eyes to let the truth sink in,
letting my mind settle on how it ends
The clouds are calling me, they're getting near,
telling me that there's nothing left to fear
They sing a song so beautiful, it's killing me..
making things so morbidly clear; I'm diseased
The sky is opened, but I see nothing


I've danced with the devil, now he's leading me
Rivers of inferno, pain and darkness flow like blood
Demon whisper to me, feeding on my fears..
my world is a living nightmare, taunting me
Madness goes hand in hand with this new reality..
How can I escape these walls of fire that surround?
How can I break free of the devil's shackles?
Six feet below the ground, yet I'm no where to be found.
Fallen angels spread their wings and soar in the sky of sulphur
The serpent's influence in my ear and blood on my hands..
Where am I now, has it really come to this?
First deceived, stricken with the incurable lust.
Then diseased, infected with sin.
And here I lie in myself, deceased yet breathing
A Trace Of Blood said:
How the hell did you land that job?

I'm doing a phd at the moment, and I was offered some proof reading to do by a few people within the department and it grew from there. I'm on the proof reading list for a few online journals (bryn mawr being one) and i do alot of proof reading for friends in the academic world and that spilled over into me proof reading fantasy novels, sci-fi...everything :) I generally get paid for it, but i do alot of stuff for nothing too. For example, I'm reading a novel a friend from another board is writing and i'm giving him feedback. It's a sweet arrangement and a nice side-earner :p
The time for chapter one to be posted. Yes, there will be grammatical errors. Lots of them. Yes, it's shitty. Fuck you, read my fucking piece of shit. I'll eventually rewrite it, but this is my rough draft basically, so, enjoy.
Empire, the City of Dreams, the place where you can become what you've always desired. Sounds too good to be true, doesn't it? Well, that's because it is too good to be true. From a distance, Empire is a beautiful city; once you've entered, though, that's when you realizethe shithole you've just entered. Behind the gilded stories, behind the beautiful brightly lit skyscrapers and behind everything you've ever heard, lies the truth: This is the City of Shattered Dreams. Most of the citizenz of Empire haverealized this, something I've experienced first-hand. This is my story, the story of Brandon Clarke

Chapter One: Deceived

Growing up in a place like Empire can either be really easy, or really hard; we didn't struggle like most, but we didn't have it that easy, either. My father worked 2 jobs for a while to support me and my younger brother, my mother stayed at home---my dad didn't think women should work. During those times, things weren't the best, but when my dad got his new job that seemed to pay pretty good, that's when things got much easier. He said he worked as a salesman and so we believed him, not even my mother knew the full extent of his 'job.' A few things you should know about my father that would probably help you make more sense of this; he used to be a boxer before he met my mother, he used to be a damn good one, too. Though, when he fell in love, he decided to give it up and try to do something else with his life. It probably wasn't his best move in life, but he thought he had to do it. What my dad really did, though, shocked me all to hell when I found out. My father worked for a very powerful man in the city of Empire. Henry Simon was a the biggest crime boss there ever was, he practically ran the town, seeing as he had almost every cop in his back pocket. The man could kill whoever he wanted to and nobody would even question it. Now what my father did for him was pay special visits to certain people and do a little bit of "negtiation." To put it bluntly, my father was a thug that forced people that didn't pay Simon his money to either pay, or be killed. Frank Clarke really was a good man, but my father had to do things against his own morals to keep my family fed and it ultimately cost him his life. The day I found out what my father really did changed my entire life in ways I couldn't ever imagine. That day started like most other normal days; wake up, go to school, come home and do some chores, your typical day for an 11-year-old boy. Around 5:30, I had just finished my homework and my father had just received a call from "the office." Now, normally I wouldn't pay much attention to my father while on the phone, but tonight was different. When my father set the receiver down, a look of digust spread across my father's face. My mother asked him what was wrong and he just told her, "The boss just wants me to come in on my day off, you know how hard they work me.. now they want to work me even harder." It appeared the answer had sufficed for my mother, but for a curious 11-year-old, it only heightened curiousity. My father picked up his coat and went out the door after kissing my mother goodbye, after my father was out the door, I quickly decided to try and go follow him. I had to know what my father did, even if it was the most boring thing I've ever seen. After getting permission from my mother, I quickly slipped outside and barely caught my father turning around a corner. For some reason, my father hardly ever drove the car to whereever it was he went, he usually always walked. I quickly hurried in the waning daylight, the cold whipping against my face as I went to go get close enough to my father. After about 10-to-15 minutes of following, he stopped in an alley where he met up with a few guys. One of the men turned to my father, talking to him a bit, "So, you think you can handle this one, Frank? Mr. Simon would be very thankful if you got the job done and done very quickly." My father looked away for a brief second, turning his head back to the man and he quietly spoke, "If Mr. Simon wants this job done, I'll get it done. When have I ever not delivered, Sid? You tell me." A smirk spread across the man's face as he looked to the man to his left, "Well, Frank, if you for some reason you fuck up tonight, you know what will happen. Me and Jack don't want to have to do that to you, Frank, but we will." I noticed my father's fist clenched tightly as he looked to the two men, "It will not ever come to that, ever." Both men nodded in unison What I saw next made my eyes go wide, my father reached into his coat and pulled out a gun. I couldn't believe it. A man who told me and my younger brother Chris thatviolence was never the answer wasthe same man who just pulled out a gun. It all hit me like an 80-pound fist; the silenceat the dinner table when one of us mentioned work, the disgusted looks, the secrecy, it all just made so much sense now.My father lied to us, he wasn't a salesman, he was a thug. I don't know what I actually thought at that moment, but it probably was something very unkind towards my father. They gave him a slip a paper and my father was quickly on his way I didn't know it, but I was next to an apartment complex, which he had just entered. Following himin, I tried to keep as quiet as I possibly could, following him from an entire staircase's length behind. They went up to the third floor, not caringabout the noise he was making. Upon reaching the third floor, he found the apartment number they were looking foor. My father knocked on the door, which was soon answered by a young boy, which was met by a horrified look on my father's face. What I didn't know was that my father was told to kill the man in that apartment and all that were they, he was assured they would be no women or children there. Someone was wrong. My father went inside, probably to talk to the man, so I thought. After a few minutes, I heard a very loud sound. A gunshot. Just one,then my father walked from the building. He was off to meet those men again and I was off, going back home before it got too late. What my father didn't know, what was going to lead to a series of tragic events, was that he had just killed the wrong man. As I lay in bed that night, the events from the previous hours were unfolded again in my head. Hearing those men's words, watching my father pull the gun out and the one gunshot I will never forget. The next few days rolled by and the weekend was quickly upon me. If it were not for a decision I had made the night before, I wouldn't be telling you this story. My best friend had asked me to spend the night after school let out on Thursday and I accepted. So, once school was over on Friday, I left with him to his house. My father had gotten the word that he "fucked up" from those two men the previous night. He didn't know what to think, he was a total wreck wh-en I left for school on Friday. The events that occured that night I never saw, but I've got a very accurate description. It was around midnight, my family was asleep. My younger brother Chris, my father and my mother, all sleeping with not the slightest idea of what's to come. My father was still a wreck, though, he told Mr. Simon he'd fix the problem, but once you make a mistake, that's it. He had planned to le- ave in the morning, get out of town, thinking Simon wouldn't strike so soon. He was wrong, so very wrong. The two men that were with my father the day I discovered his secret, had a job to do and they weren't about to fail it Around midnight on that cold winter night, they snuck into my house, with intentions to do more than harm. They snuck into my little brother's, grabbing him up from his dreams. They were about to do something so sick, something so very wrong. Moving into my parent's room, they clutched my brother close, gun against his head. Waking my father and mother up, the two men stared into my father's eyes, "You fucked up, Frank. You fucked up really bad, Mr. Simon is in a hole right now because of the mistake you made. I told you not to fucking mess that job up, but you still managed to do it." My father's eyes were wide, my mother was crying, both knew what was going to come. My father did his best to plead with the man, "Sid, you don't have to do this, I can fix everything. Please, don't do this.." The man's eyes were cold and emotionless as he held my brother tightly, gun against his head, "We're going to make your final moments the most unbearable moments of your life.." He looked to the other man who had his gun pointed at my parents and he smiled. My mother, from what I was told, was screaming and pleading with the men, my father could do nothing, he knew there was no way out of it. The man's finger squeezed on the trigger of the gun against my brother's head, putting a bullet through his young head in front of my parent's eyes. Moments after that, my father and mother were both shot and killed. I wonder what could've gone through my mother and father's head as they watched a grown man put a bullet into the head of a 7-year-old child without any hesitation. I wouldn't actually want to know the terror they experienced.