I have just received ... in the mail! Post pics of your new treasures!

Hug0 said:
this just came in...
Your sig. is ridiculously annoying.
hehe, I know it can be annoying
please don't take him too seriously... I told him he should try to be ontopic and stuff sometimes or he'll be banned:p
hehe, he sorta likes to provocate people:Smug:
Vincent J. said:
hehe, he sorta likes to provocate people:Smug:
hehe just my words.:p
scarlet said:
oh, come on, a lil bit of humour! moreover, he's Vin's friend so he shall be forgiven, riiiight? riiight
whhahaah thank you.. I think it's humour as well, provocate people... I like to yell this as loud as possible at concerts :rolleyes: and vince, you did that as well, I did not forget :heh:
peachy said:
Your sig. is ridiculously annoying.
wahhaha I tried to embed as much chaos as possible, apparently it seems to work :lol: but if it's slowing down the entire site I'll take it out. And to the epileptic people here: please do not look to often into the 4th image, safety reasons :heh:
Finally found me a decent imported mint condition vinyl of Jethro Tull's Aqualung along with it I found "A" and "Rock Island" but both looked like shit
so I just got aqualung...I'm on a distinguished road or something
°scarlet° said:
i've just noticed someone :)rolleyes:) gave me a 'you fucking suck you loser' rep for what i wrote above :err:
hmm that's kinda pathetic... I can see why people may think it was me, but I wasn't.. as I said before.

But please go on-topic again, I'm very sorry for this interuption. will not post any off-topic stuff for a while.
Hug0 said:
hmm that's kinda pathetic... I can see why people may think it was me, but I wasn't.. as I said before.

But please go on-topic again, I'm very sorry for this interuption. will not post any off-topic stuff for a while.

i know it wasn't you, Hug0, no worries.
°scarlet° said:
i've just noticed someone :)rolleyes:) gave me a 'you fucking suck you loser' rep for what i wrote above :err:
well, no offence, but I sorta agree with that person...
I mean, you were just saying something through which you showed your nice gentle attitude which is forgiving and stuff...
so... please don't post anything that nice again ok? :rolleyes:
Could somebody please explain me this reputation thing? What is it good for? I just found out I have two reputations (but no comments) for some random posts I made in the past. That doesn't tell me anything :confused: And what is that "distinguished road" I am on???? Where will it lead me? (and Will I Arrive :Smug: ?)
Vincent J. said:
well, no offence, but I sorta agree with that person...
I mean, you were just saying something through which you showed your nice gentle attitude which is forgiving and stuff...
so... please don't post anything that nice again ok? :rolleyes:
i'll try to be as evil as possible from now on ;)

to stay on topic though... (yeah, i didn't have it untill now:oops:)
MadTinus said:
The DVD is great indeed, in every way, incredible setlist, great performance, superb camera direction, all a PT fan could wish for! And yeah, Steve always performs on bare feet. :)

Yeah, I got the original Stupid Dream already last year, when the re-issue had not been announced yet. I AM glad I did not pay a LOT of money, like some people, for this Moonloop CD, that used to cost even more than this XM, 300 euro was no exception. But now it also got re-issued, almost identical to the original (except the year :)), so I got that one, same goes for those Steve Wilson 'cover version' CD's.. Cover Version I used to go up sky high on ebay, and then it got re-issued, and that's when I bought it. :D

If I come across affordable copies, I might buy an original Signify and Up The Downstair etc.. There are no real urgent items I need from PT now, I'd like to have some vinyls now, like Coma Divine, Signify, Sky Moves Sideways maybe..

The Sky Moves Sideways vinyl looks really kewl :D... O, and i forgot to mention, the joke is that i got recordings for 18 euros only. Not used, not second-handed, original sealled in its package. i was like WTF??!?!?!!! :OMG: when i saw it, i got it from a local store, i doubt that they knew how much they could have sold it. In amazon it costs almost 200 dollars, i don't know about ebay, it just happened to see it.
Cerulean said:
Uh yeah exile's on a roll.
He's clearly been picking out people who didn't "choose his side". So far, me, you and Caterina

Yeheees exile is the demon lurking in the underground.I am gonna eat you alive.Harrr roeeaarrrh wraaah etc...

By the way...
"Someone" gave me bad reputation too.