I have...

Ophidian_ said:
that's exactly what I was thinking! :lol:

hahahahaha, wanna play a little drinking game?

each time a stupid ass (yet still funny :D) thread like this pops up, we each do a shot of vodka, then a shot of nog

at that rate we'll be flat drunk and puking nog in about 5 minutes :D :D :D :lol: :lol: :lol:
DreamNeonBlack said:
Damn, if your going to drink everytime there is one of these stupid threads you would die from alcohal posioning in like a week.

lmao that was the joke :D

Ever see that saturday night live skit where they were playing "hey bob" - every time someone says "hi bob" you would have to do a shot

the host that week was some guy named bob, so they were following him around with a huge ass tray of whiskey shots playing the game - lmao it was hilarious!