I invented a new game!


Lt. Horatio Caine
Jun 20, 2003
Today I was practicing my Symphony X songs on bass outside with my CD player and headphones attached to my belt in a little carry-case. Anyway, there's this 15-foot cement walkway between my back porch and my garage, so as I played, I crushed as many of those little ant pests as I could! I'm not a tyrant, but ants just piss me off - they're pests, and they "attack" in large numbers.

So I started playing a game, counting how many ants I could crush for each song. I was playing The Odyssey (the album,) and even though Accolade II and Awakenings are quite long, King of Terrors won the contest with its staccato riffs that are just perfect for smashing your foot down! I had to stop crushing ants when I reached the tapping part (to concentrate,) but I quickly leaped back into the game when Romeo's solo started.

The only songs I played, though, were Inferno, Wicked, Accolade II, King of Terrors, and Awakenings. I was going to start The Odyssey, but I was getting bitten by mosquitos, so I came inside to type this.

Wow, I have absolutely NO life.
i played a similar game last saturday at an outdoor show my band had. my game was to kill that fuckin' bee that kept landing on my goddamn 14" sabian china cymbal while i was playing. I lost.
I'd practice outsidde but I hate walkmans and if I used the stereo in my room the old fart living in the house behind ours would be over here bitching within 10 minutes.... that and there's a lot of bird shitting in my backyard.

Cool game though, maybe I could play dodge the bird shit and hope old man douche ain't home.