I just bought a second copy of Blackwater Park!!


Apr 19, 2002
Yes, I did! Because there is a limited 2CD edition out!
Why didn't anybody inform me?? :(
I don't think it's really worth the money of one has the album
before, but I neeeeded to have it anyways because I'm such a fan

Here's my proof
I just downloaded the tracks....I don't like paying for a whole album jsut for two tracks, and jsut to pad the record company's pockets...
Cool for you...I am not sure that I am going to get it. I'll probably end up buying it, and I have the money right now. Something just doesn't seem right. I don't really care to buy the album for two extra tracks and a video when I already have it. I'll probably buy it since I'm a collection whore. ;)
lol, only a second copy? :p
my ex had ALL the cds from the different labels thingie..
you know, when they changed a label and the second label reissued the cds etc?
well, he has all issues now, expect for the ones in poland (which apparently are only different coz "Poland" is printed on it somewhere lol) and this new one. i´m pretty sure he'll get that new one too. lol, talk about a dedicated fan :lol:
I figured you were joking, but it wasn't too clear. Anyway, my main collection is CDs. I also have a lot of band t-shirts, but I've cut down on buying those. I have a few more bands I'd like to have (Morbid Angel, Emperor, and a few others).

I am trying to refrain myself from spending a lot of money on CDs right now. Once I have a steady income, I'll be able to buy more. I don't want to spend all of my saved money on CDs and have no money left. :p
Originally posted by Gleemonex
lol, only a second copy? :p
my ex had ALL the cds from the different labels thingie..
you know, when they changed a label and the second label reissued the cds etc?
well, he has all issues now, expect for the ones in poland (which apparently are only different coz "Poland" is printed on it somewhere lol) and this new one. i´m pretty sure he'll get that new one too. lol, talk about a dedicated fan :lol:

Now we're talking about what I'm doing with Death.
Opeth is not first in line, but far up... so there!
How many Death CDs do you have? Do you have any vinyls? I wanted to get a few vinyls, and I saw a red Symbolic or Human LP that was limited to 1,000 copies. I realllly wanted it but didn't have the money at the time.

I need to get some more Death CDs. I bought Human and Symbolic from eBay, and they never came in the mail. :( That was $20 wasted...I think I'll start trying to get all of Death's CDs (maybe not from different labels...just whatever is accessible). :D
Yes, Gleemo, I am a nut and Chuck is forever the king of metal :D

I got most Death cd's twice... but I sadly only have Scream Bloody
Gore in red vinyl and I also have Live in La on vinyl...
Also the Live in LA DVD (& cd of course) and the Live In Eindhoven
DVD & cd..
It's a shame I didn't try to get more LP's when I had the chance..
and that's why I buy stuff now... like today ;)