I Just Pulled The Trigger on A Krank Rev Jr!


Oct 20, 2006
Oregon Coast
I was so excited when I clicked confirm that I..

JIZZED.. IN.. MY PANTS. (Please refer to appropriate thread(s) to see the humor in this statement)

Ebay Link

Got it for $399.00 Buy It Now plus $40 shipping. Kinda steep shipping, but fuck it. I shall now soon be free from Amp modeling. The mics I have on my shelves will actually see some use!

The funny thing is, the Axis pedals I sold paid for the entire amp, and then some! I still have about $275 coming from a DM5 I sold that was supposed to go to my amp fund, but now that I don't need an amp fund, what the fuck am I going to do with that $275?

I'm probably going to need an unkown portion of it for bills :erk: , and I'd like to use a bit of it to take my Fiance out for a nice dinner or some shit, and a bit of beer might be nice, but I keep having thoughts about throwing a V30 in my marshall (Don't yet know if it will work well with my other speakers or not) or maybe getting a second SM57 so I can try the Clayman micing technique. Or maybe DFHS2. Or a shitload of guitar strings. Or some new cables. Or some video games. Damn I don't know! I'm not used to having loose change anymore! I've been broke for too long!

Anyway, sorry for thinking out loud. I'll be sure to try and post some clips when I get it and dust off my mics and blow the cobwebs out of my cab. Oooh I'm all giddy!!


Edit: I was leaning towards the Pro version, but I couldn't pass this one (standard) up, especially seeing as it has the chrome grill!

I'll probably pick up the pro version on tuesday... but it'll be around 630€. Nice deal you got there!
Score! Great deal man...let us know how it rocks out when you get it!

As for the extra cash...if you don't have a certain use for it right now, save it for when you really do need it. Thinking hypothetically right now...if you had a decent DI track of whatever you're playing, couldn't you just mic up the cab in two takes, with the 57 in the two positions each being the other for the second take? Align them together and get that precise phase cancellation?
FUCK yeah man, nice score! As for things to buy, I would say:

2 V30's for an X-pattern (it works for Bogner, and more importantly, V30s rule ;))
A Little Labs Redeye for your DI-capturing and re-amping needs
Another SM57

IN THAT ORDER IMO, one 57 is totally adequate for awesome sounds
Thinking hypothetically right now...if you had a decent DI track of whatever you're playing, couldn't you just mic up the cab in two takes, with the 57 in the two positions each being the other for the second take? Align them together and get that precise phase cancellation?

Sounds like it's worth a try! Also if I get restless I guess I could throw my i5 into the fray. I also have some Kel HM-1's that I'd like to fuck with.

2 V30's for an X-pattern (it works for Bogner, and more importantly, V30s rule ;))
A Little Labs Redeye for your DI-capturing and re-amping needs
Another SM57

IN THAT ORDER IMO, one 57 is totally adequate for awesome sounds

Hmm.. 2 V30's and/or a Redeye would kick ass, but after my bills eat away at my profits (and sanity) I might not be able to pull that off. I wonder if putting just one V30 in my cab and micing that one up would yield any worthwhile benefits, or if it's even compatible with the rest of my speakers. I don't know much about Ohmage and wattage and speaker wiring and what not, so I'd have to do a bit of research, unless a more knowledgable member of this fine forum would be able to provide me with advice on the issue. :worship:
Compatibility wouldn't be an issue as long as you got a V30 with the same impedance as the G12T75 you were replacing it with (almost certainly 16 ohms, knowing Marshall) - just unplug the two wires connecting the old one, install the new speaker, and connect the wires to the corresponding terminals, and you're good to go! (and if it's a slant cab, I'd suggest putting the V30 in the bottom, cuz IME with my cab the bottom speakers sound noticeably fuller in a good way than the top ones)
So the different power handling ratings won't matter then? Kickass! I have a straight cab, so hopefully I'll be able to get away with mounting it on top if I get one, just for convenience. The entire face of the cab has a very slight angle, of course, but the depth at the top vs the depth at the bottom I don't think is more than an inch, so hopefully it isn't enough to make much of a difference.

Whats the verdict on raising cabs off the floor? I've read that it helps, but I'm not sure what the benefits are. Better isolation/fewer reflections/acoustic decoupling I assume. I'll have to do a search on the matter.
Sick ass score man, great deal! Could you post some clips of the rev with impulses when you get it as well?
He was just asking for clips using them, not making them. I'm interested in those, too...


Oh I misread that, haha. I was so stoked to actually be buying a new toy last night it felt like the equivalent of drinking 8 cups of coffee. Now I'm getting ready to go pick up an Xbox 360. Oh the joy!