I Just

I just still can't believe that all the snow out there is REAL. yesterday there was nothing and today we have about 10 cm. but i still had to go to school :(
HalfpintHenkka said:
i just read Missery's post and became a tad jealous...I LOVE SNOW DAMMIT WHY CAN'T I EVER GET MORE THAN 5 LOUSY CENTIMETERS?!?!?!?!

yeah, i love snow too... but i had to shovel it and now my arms and everything's hurting like hell...argh... but the snow is almost vanished right now... it's too warm.... we don't have that much snow here in germany either, so 5-10 cm are much for us, too ;)
...asked some kid to "turn his music down because its waaaay to fuckin loud and ive gotten complaints" in a half joking manner

and he gave me shit asking "what right do i have to swear at him"
if he wasnt 6 somethin and built like a brick shit house i would have given him shit....but theres no use being an asshole to an asshole.

i hate obnoxious people