I know there's been 0 "Where's Maren?" threads, but...

Where is she at the moment???

  • Drinking Molson's at Andrew's Pad

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • [url]www.mikesapartment.com[/url]

    Votes: 13 56.5%
  • Infiltrating the North Korean Regime as Kim Jong II mistress

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Listening to great music, while we sit her discussing Nad's nads

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • Nemtheanga

    Votes: 3 13.0%
  • Who's Maren? My name is Susperia!

    Votes: 2 8.7%

  • Total voters
As I remember, it's more she sees too many men who expect their women to serve as maids and cooks, and as such are unable to tend for themselves without the use of Mr Noodles and Take-out Chinese. Or else they guilt their women into cleaning by having such a disgusting hellhole or screwing up the easiest food.

Thats where she has a problem with it, men relying on women (or vice versa) to fufill a gender role. The door works both ways for her. Neither should have to fufill a certain gender role.

yeah, but if there are no gender roles ... all is left is hanging out and having philosophical discussions ... ok ... and sex.
that can only go so far in a long term relationship ...
lizard said:
I have no problem having clearly delineated responsibilities in a relationship - like Erik said, if all effort goes for the communal good, then what's the beef. But of course it has to be agreed upon willingly by both parties.

I think it's been detrimental from the standpoint of, if two people are in a relationship but they don't know what their responsibilities are, then there's confusion and therefore the potential for strife.

But its been good for getting women into the workforce and giving them equal opportunity.

but it's been bad in that kids have to be warehoused in daycare centers.
I agree. But you have to figure what is more beneficial as a whole. Also, I would probably figure the rising (astronomical) housing costs have something to do with 2 incomes, rather than one. Its almost impossible to live in an apt these days w/o a roomate. But that's an entirely other tangent. The family core has been blown to shit. And every other teenage female nowadays looks like a budding porn star.
Conspicuously Absent said:
too much BS, not enough music.

:lol: too right. shit man, we had to bring back recommendations to get some music back in the forum. it's all been about soccer, hairy balls, tully's future plans, canadian corn pops, and fucking ken lay.

real music threads on first page: 6 (gorgoroth, scald, maiden, candlemass, october falls, metal song of day)
J. said:
:lol: too right. shit man, we had to bring back recommendations to get some music back in the forum. it's all been about soccer, hairy balls, tully's future plans, canadian corn pops, and fucking ken lay.

real music threads on first page: 6 (gorgoroth, scald, maiden, candlemass, october falls, metal song of day)

So why are you reading a thread like this? :heh:
This forum would be pretty boring if it exclusively contained music threads. I think the balance is pretty good to be honest.
haha there's 17 viewers of this board but only lizard and doom are in visible mode.

come out, you pansies! :goggly:

Doom said:
This forum would be pretty boring if it exclusively contained music threads. I think the balance is pretty good to be honest.
I agree. start restricting content and you end up like the Opeth board, with 547 "What's your favorite opeth CD" threads.
Doomcifer said:
I agree. But you have to figure what is more beneficial as a whole. Also, I would probably figure the rising (astronomical) housing costs have something to do with 2 incomes, rather than one. Its almost impossible to live in an apt these days w/o a roomate. But that's an entirely other tangent.

Not only that, but companies are quite happy to pay out the minimum in bonuses. The average is 3% which is now referred to as the "cost of living" payrise. So basically, you get the bonus/pay increase and then it goes right back out the door on increased taxes.

The family core has been blown to shit.

Heather and I are in a predicament. Everyone around us with young kids haven't ever left this town. They were born here, grew up here, went to school, and therefore live within 10 minutes of their parents. Their parents (the kids grandparents) now become the babysitter / daycare minder.

Meanwhile, we fucking moved away from our folks (like I thought most normal people do). The wife's parents are in MA and mine are in London. Well, we 'aint moving to MA and so there's a good chance we may have to start considering a permanent move back to London.

It doesn't get easier as the kids grow, it actually gets harder. Thing is, I don't want to move. :erk:

rant over.