I know there's been 0 "Where's Maren?" threads, but...

Where is she at the moment???

  • Drinking Molson's at Andrew's Pad

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • [url]www.mikesapartment.com[/url]

    Votes: 13 56.5%
  • Infiltrating the North Korean Regime as Kim Jong II mistress

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Listening to great music, while we sit her discussing Nad's nads

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • Nemtheanga

    Votes: 3 13.0%
  • Who's Maren? My name is Susperia!

    Votes: 2 8.7%

  • Total voters
JayKeeley said:
Not only that, but companies are quite happy to pay out the minimum in bonuses. The average is 3% which is now referred to as the "cost of living" payrise. So basically, you get the bonus/pay increase and then it goes right back out the door on increased taxes.

Meanwhile, we fucking moved away from our folks (like I thought most normal people do). The wife's parents are in MA and mine are in London. Well, we 'aint moving to MA and so there's a good chance we may have to start considering a permanent move back to London.

man, isn't London expensive as HELL? I heard it's one of the most expensive cities to live in in the world.
Conspicuously Absent said:
Thats where she has a problem with it, men relying on women (or vice versa) to fufill a gender role. The door works both ways for her. Neither should have to fufill a certain gender role.

Give me a break, there's always a pressure to fulfill a certain gender role, (nowadays: the "free" and enlightened woman, then: the classic female role) it just takes different forms.

Freedom of choice is waaay over-rated.
Doomcifer said:
The family core has been blown to shit.
what is this family core that everyone talks about? not trying to be confrontational, it's a concept i've never really understood clearly. are you referring to gay marriage, or divorce rates, or...what exactly?

usually when i hear anything having to do with the term "family" it really means "extreme knee-jerk reactionary"
Doomcifer said:
LOL... I was awaiting that. Kinda makes you wish you were born a bit later. :goggly:

Maybe Im just too queer , but I do not care at all for the sluttyness in most people my age.. Although Im rather lucky in that my little bubble town has very few people and the social network is diverse and cliques barely exist:P
Trylakos said:

Maybe Im just too queer , but I do not care at all for the sluttyness in most people my age..

You're not queer. 13 yr olds shouldn't be banging away with wreckless abandon. Idiotic teens sowing their oats to fulfill some social status that their peers have set. Real fucking lovely that my tax dollars are stuck paying the bill for their pathetic gerber graduates. A buddy of moi has an 18 yr old bro who just got his gf pregnant. The dipshit dropped out of highschool (could of easily graduated in summer school), is unemployed, and got kicked out of the house. And the thing that pisses me off the most, is that the girls family is thrilled of this outcome.

"I can't wait to be a niece" :mad:
Reign in Acai said:
You're not queer. 13 yr olds shouldn't be banging away with wreckless abandon. Idiotic teens sowing their oats to fulfill some social status that their peers have set. Real fucking lovely that my tax dollars are stuck paying the bill for their pathetic gerber graduates. A buddy of moi has an 18 yr old bro who just got his gf pregnant. The dipshit dropped out of highschool (could of easily graduated in summer school), is unemployed, and got kicked out of the house. And the thing that pisses me off the most, is that the girls family is thrilled of this outcome.

"I can't wait to be a niece" :mad:
don't diss the gerber plan!:P
yeah its pretty dumb as shit, rarely happens here, I guess Im not in a big enough place.
baby's talking already? how cute:lol:
lizard said:
I have no problem having clearly delineated responsibilities in a relationship - like Erik said, if all effort goes for the communal good, then what's the beef. But of course it has to be agreed upon willingly by both parties.

That's part of it, another important part is to not belittle one sex's work compared to the other. For years ''women's work" (just like practically anything female) was degraded and deemed less important. ''Weak" is a word that has unforunately had connotations with anything related to the female sex in our society all the way back to who knows when. Not so much in the lower classes, but always in the mid to upper. However, I think lately, with women being allowed into the workforce, and to make their own life decisions, men are realizing how important the ''women's work" was.
My philosophy: Divide up the housework evenly, decide upon some sort of roles amongst yourselves, and share that shit, because it's next to impossible to live without two incomes unless you're rich.

Bah, whatever, You do what you want, I'll do what I want, Maren will do what she wants, Nad will shave his balls like his woman wants.

Maren2Fly said:
tell the boys i shall return at some point, when my comp is fixed. then the flooding with pictures shall begin. canada preparation. take-off. landing. candyandy!

Her comp's power adapter when kaboom for like the 4th time this year (her apartment must have unstable power or something weird).
Reign in Acai said:
I know there's been 0 "Where's Maren?" threads, but...
First of all, a big girly AWWW! I'm quite touched by your "concern" for me. :Saint:
Thanks also to the friendly canuck who directed me here.

Reign in Acai said:
So what proof will we have that she is still alive and well after you two meet? :cry:
There shall be cheesy, unmetal pictures, maybe also a poser shot or two of me wearing CandyAndy's bullet belt.

Demilich said:
too early for her to be in Canadia already yes?
Yes. See you there? :grin:

NADatar said:
Really? Oh well, we still chat via email so it's okay. [/Cool Club]
Nad is privileged. :cool:

Doomcifer said:
Too much bullshit, not enough music? :mad:
Correct. Too much bullshit, too many naked ladies staring at me from the screen.

Actually, real life is keeping me busy. There are other things than Nad's nads that I have to worry about, mainly health issues which take up a lot of time and energy. So please excuse me while I take care of myself and invest my mental and physical capacities into my life outside this forum.

Oh, and don't underestimate the power and importance of the football (yes, it's called football, not soccer, you bloody Americans) world cup. It totally consumed me. :p

Interesting theory nonetheless that a single discussion scared me off. A quick word to that: Most important thing in my and my brother's bringing-up was independence and self-reliance. Deals like "I do this, you do that" - "clearly delineated responsibilities" - may work for others, they don't work for me. If I don't know how to do something or I'm not good at it, teach me, so I can do it myself next time. And I expect that of the people around me as well, man or woman. Reliability/ dependency/ laziness is the biggest turn-off I can imagine. I'm not willing to clean after anyone, nor would I want anyone to do my stuff. I rather take turns or share work than fully leave certain things to someone else.

Example: I helped out at the theatresports world cup the last two weeks. One day, one of the teams desperately needed a place to quickly wash their team shirts for the show that night. One of the Berlin theatre guys lives right above the theatre, but we couldn't use his washing machine - because he didn't know how it works (only his wife who was away that day). :Smug: Wtf. What a wimp.

Oh, I voted for option four btw. :D
Well I'd like to think that I speak for entire RC community by saying, when you take care of your health concerns, we'd love to see you back in a regular capacity. [/gaybutnotlying]