I know you are bored out of your mind ......

I was watching paint dry the other day...but I was rocking out to Atheist while I did it, so it's all good.
So I cant sleep because my new tattoo is itching like a bitch , i am torn between clawing my arm off or knocking myself out with a frying pan.
Wha...you sleep after you watch Johnathan Rhys Myers? That's not what I do...
Anyhow, Iseldor, I'm a she, and I'm blonde, so for the sake of enlightenment, please explain how a large scrotum + sucking can possibly be someting negative.
OMG! This meeting is really boring! Legal mumbo-jumbo and kindergarten level math (which many of my co-workers are struggling to understand). How many times can you ask the same subtraction question??? o_O