I like tea.

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Both. I need my cup of coffee every morning, but I also like tea. Hmmm, with strawberry or cherry flavor.
I can't really imagine a day without my usual cup of tea. I buy my tea at a really nice store, where they have a really wide variety of it. my favorite are green tea with vanilla, and black tea with cinnamon. no sugar, just milk (and some delicious cookies :) ) . omg I think I'm gonna make one right now
I think all those flavoured teas (ie. cookies and cream, strawberry) are sins against nature. I mean it's tea, and they're corrupting it.
I also like tea- especially earl gray and green tea. Green tea ice cream is also really good.
Tea, but i like coffee too. But i dont like green tea, and most of the teas you buy in small 1-cup-bags suck. I prefer the one you buy in tea shops.

i am drinking darjeeling right now.
Tea. No sugar, milk, whatever. I like mine strong. Iced tea is my favorite. I love the smell of coffee, but can't really get into the taste too much. I reminds me of burnt paper for some reason...
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