tea or coffee

which do you pref?

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coop a tae agus drop a bainne tooday, bambi i know where u are hiding tooday, drinkin the ould tae ya ould hoor ya, tell the truth! :tickled:
made in one of them boilers, bleh. having another cuppa now with a rich tea biscuit, ive grown quite fond of them for some reason

the job gave us a list of "non pay benefits" this year and one of them was the free tea and coffee lol
With tea it's okay. With steak and spuds, no. Also, not more than three a day. And no additional sugar in your tea.
OHHH, i think ill go get tea
theres these girls across the road, and i go over to them just for the tea.
they make it in a pot, and its lovely, and thats about it, ill be off now