I listened to patterns in the ivy and still day on sat

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
Those songs kick fucking ass! They shouldve been added to damnation. Neither of the songs have ever been played live right? Has any covers other than soldier of fortune been played live? Because remember tommorow slays all \m/

P.S this was an impromptu thread. I was trying to make a vote on the moonspell skull pole vote thread. But teh voting opetion never worked!
I agree, those songs DO kick arse. Patterns II and Still Day are two of my favourite Opeth softer moments...it is a shame they will probably never be played live, as they are really just mikael and that's all.

They could be adapted for more instruments....but then again, that would take away some of the emotion and...Nick Drakeiness of them.


(By the way, is it just me, or does anyone else find Pink Moon a little better than the much raved about Five Leaves Left?)
I haven't been able to aquire the two songs, any idea where to look? I can't get the DC to work (think it's because i use a hub or something). I wanna hear them! :yell:
I wish they'd play one or both of them as an encore for the damnation tour. when you think about it either of these songs is a better encore than demon of the fall would be for the mellow opeth songs. then again, since the ozzie tour is now a mixed set, I doubt we're going to get to hear them, even as a special parting gesture for the last gig of the entire tour, to be performed in melbourne. :(