I need advice!

What should I do?

  • Keep at it sonny! Things might work out and it will all be worth it if it does!

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • Move on! It's only causing you confusion and you'll find someone better without the complications!

    Votes: 8 66.7%

  • Total voters

TRrEiTxIxRiE DTrash

New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2001
Okay. Hypothetically, hahaha.... let's just say I like a girl but her interests are split and there is somebody else in the picture but she doesnt know if he likes her anyway.... so she hasn't come to a decision (that I know of yet anyway) about us.

I really like this girl alot, but is it worth pursuing if she's still not over somebody else or should I just give up and move on and find somebody else? I don't know if I want somebody else though coz she's perfect and I'll just be comparing everyone else to her, and probably end up in her situation where I'm thinking of her still anyway.

:confused: :( HELP! Hahaha.

By the way, that was all hypothetical.... hahaha! :rolleyes: :lol:
I should vote so that results come up when I open the thread but I don't know what to vote for which is why I asked you guys haha.

Ok I'll vote to keep at it but only for the sake of getting rid of it asking me when I open the thread haha. I really don't know.
No but I don't know what's right. I only did that one because ideally I would like to be going out with her. I don't know if that will ever happen anyway though and if it will be worth it even if it does if she likes someone else.

And also because it was the first option lol.
That's kinda what I was thinking Blitzy hehe. I think its worth a shot and then if this other guy happens to make an appearance in the whole scenario then we can talk about it and see what to do then...

Then again Joe Salami's advice makes sense too haha. Bahhh I don't know. Thanks for the advice guys hehe. Keep it comin' others haha!
Hmmm, I lean towards move on, you dont want to be one of those guys who sits around for years waiting for the woman of his dreams to "decide".
All that umming and ahhing crap is for drama queens, forget her and find someone who doesnt need to ponder whether she likes you or not :D

My 1/50th of a dollar :)
Yeah its very very frustrating. I just wish I knew exactly what was going on but I don't. The problem is that it's not easy to just move along and find someone else when I like her not someone else lol. Oh well...

Maybe I'll meet some brand spanking new girl who will come along and be even better and she will actually like me haha. How come its so hard to find someone that likes you as much as you like them? It's always either I like them more or they like me but I'm not really interested.
Originally posted by spawn
My 1/50th of a dollar :)

I sorta agree with what these guys are saying, thats why I said 'if someone else comes along, keep an open mind'. Spawny's right, don't sit around forever waiting, but if there is no-one else on the scene that interests you, then you might as well keep trying your luck until there is, and if/when someone else comes along that you might be interested in, re-assess your options. :)
Yeah I know, easier said than done, but if you are thinking about moving on, perhaps that should tell you something, if you are totally in love with her, then keep at it, if not, see what other fish are in the sea, you may even find a Dugong, you never know :)
No! I meant a Dugong would be a stunningly hot woman that knows just how to please etc.

As Dugongs are rare to see in the wild, as are those :)
I was going to type out Troops' explanation of what makes a perfect woman, but it was just too long, so "a stunningly hot woman that knows just how to please etc." will have to suffice :)
Originally posted by Joe Salami
Thank goodness this was all just hypothetical!! :D

Hahaha damn straight. Um, I'm asking for a friend.... ;) :lol: :rolleyes:

Ahhhh I get what you meant better now Blitzy! Good point, if there'snobody else who interests me at the moment then I should keep at it for sure eh. If someone else comes along who interests me then I have a problem lol.

Spawny, it's not so much that I'm thinking I should move on now, it's more that I'm getting really tired of being in the dark about it all and it's frustrating lol. And also I've been thinking that if her heart is gonna be elsewhere whether its worth it or not. I think it would still be worth a try though because you never know what may happen.

I think right now Blitzy's advice said it best :) Until there's someone else for me to consider, why not keep at it hehe.

I mean, hypothetically of course... ;)
maybe you should sleep on it ....
if she's getting over the person , then just take it one step at a time ..... and still show intrest without being full on ...... so you give her the way to back out if she's not intrested without bad feeling and for you too ....
but if ths'e being interested in someone else at the same time , then maybe you just gotta show that you are intersted somehow ..... still , don't fight over her ..... "never fight over chicks ever , not worth it no matter what , what the heart desirs is not what you always get , if it was ment to be she'll be yours , if not , then move on with your head held high" ......

then again , it depends on how much you like her .....
Time brings people closer ... take your time ....... ;)
Just keep going until the fire is gone and dying embers still remain, once that happens, its all over :)