I need Candlemass covers!!!!!

Jul 14, 2002
Stratford, CT
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So I'm hoping to send some material to the Candlemass boys since Messiah is out of the picture and they are seeking a new vocalist.

I have one or two songs that I plan to send, but I would like to cover a Candlemass tune.

Any of you guitar players out there feel like putting together some music for me to yodel over?

I'm thinking either:


The Edge of Heaven


PM me if your interested. I dont' know if I'm pro enough to front such a godly band, but I figure it is well worth a try.

Here are some samples of my work incase anyone is interested in hearing my work.


Engines of Hate

The River Dragon Has come

Hey DNB,
Have you tried getting a hold of Will??? He should be able to help you with this, at least put together the tunes you mentioned!
I wish you all the best for this, and hope you get the chance.
Anybody else here up for helping out DNB? Come on, you all know you want to!!!:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
if you need someone to mix the demo, send me a message...
or if you need the drums to the backing track
I talked to Leif and he said that they had already got 60-70 people wanting to sing for them. He said most of them were pretty bad and some were like: "Im the man your searching for!" and totally sucked :lol:.

Probably pretty hard competition. But try anyway, you might have a shot :). Didnt get the time to show him the links.

btw, I bought one of his basses yesterday, an epiphone thunderbird that he has been using as a backup on the last tour among other things. it rocks :D
Thanks man. I do have the doomie influence in my voice.
Candlemass, Solitude Aeturnus and of course Nevermore are some of my favorite bands and favorite singers so...

I can imagine the crop of potentials they have. While I don't know if I'm good enough for them I can safely say that I don't think I suck.
I can imagine the crop of potentials they have. While I don't know if I'm good enough for them I can safely say that I don't think I suck.

You absolutly dont suck. Hearing the tracks you uploaded I acually like your voice, it sounds professional... BUT (some constructive critisism) you should really think of hitting the the notes perfectly because sometimes I felt it sounded a bit sharp or flat. Not much at all though. Just my opinion.:)

You might have a shot.:headbang:
It might help to program a MIDI of the vocal melody and get used to audiating to that, might not want to monitor with that when you record because it'll drive you bonkers but that might do some good.

Thanks guys. I agree, I'm a little out at times, more so with cover songs than originals. I just continue to work on it the best I can.

I do want to try recording my vocals with the music through the monitors as opposed to headphones. I have heard a lot of singers say they find it easier to remain on pitch and add a little energy.